Red Mosquito

Where do you draw the line?
Page 26 of 26

Author:  Harmless [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do you draw the line?

bmacsmith wrote:
dprival78 wrote:
Harmless wrote:
dprival78 wrote:
Skitch Patterson wrote:
dprival78 wrote:
bart d. wrote:
dprival78 wrote:
stip wrote:
If OWS coalesces into an electoral movement (I hope it does) we'll see the same influence on the democrats.

if it does, and starts to gather any significant steam, it will quickly be co-opted by the establishment (like the tea party was).

That's how things work, though. Ideas start out on the fringe and if they're popular, the major parties pick up on them. Look at the progressive movement, or Goldwater-style conservatism. Also, I think people discount the value of the stability that having two parties brings.

things are stable right now?

the two party system is a joke. both sides are completely bought and paid for, and neither are working for the common joe's interests.

Yeah, but we know what we're getting.

i guess. so it's not exactly rape, since we know it's coming, and we aren't really doing anything to stop it. it's more of an abusive relationship where our husband comes home drunk every night, throws us over the kitchen table and has his way with us. and then takes the money out of our wallet.

we just roll over and take it, just as long as he doesn't take our tv away.

That's pretty much rape, dude.

well.... yea.

depends on how we're dressed.

Or whether we're dressed.

Author:  bart d. [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do you draw the line?

Boy, this thread turned hot pretty quickly there.

Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do you draw the line?

I've been trying to jerk off to this thread for some time now.

Author:  Electromatic [ Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do you draw the line?

when I stop liking the music.

Author:  Harmless [ Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do you draw the line?

cutuphalfdead wrote:
I've been trying to jerk off to this thread for some time now.

It's easy. Start in here. As soon as you notice a little lift, try to switch to GD.

Author:  resonance of distance [ Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do you draw the line?

Tickets are pricy! In 2000 the were 38 dollars for a show in Maryland at MErriweather Post Pavillion. last time I saw them they were over 100 dollars. What the hell. And they sound like shit now tones, snare drum made of cardboard, and ed voice is not the same beautiful sound it was back in 95 or 98. Or even 2000. He sounds like an old man.

I mean as far as making money with TV whatever thats cool. I dont care. Just stop fucking the ppl who buy your records. Poor late 20 year old kids. I'll be 30 in spring.

So i dunno. I sure as hell AM not paying for those damn downloadable bootlegs. They sound just as awful as they did live, do actually worse. How did they go from sounding wonderful live in 00 to rotton in just 8 years. Bootlegs and the actual show. ?

Just make good records and much will be forgiven.

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