Red Mosquito

SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...
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Author:  SmilinSkullRing [ Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dr. Van Nostrand wrote:
SmilinSkullRing wrote:
Dr. Van Nostrand wrote:
ever since then it had been atleast a top 10 song if not a top 5.



Excellent taste. :D

Author:  sergeant [ Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Conscientious Objector wrote:
i love this song too. one of my all time favorites. i agree with punk david, the lyrics are fine.

here is a killer live version just for stip :D

youtube took that down, does anyone know where else i could find that? thanks in advance.

Author:  dscans [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

tbeals13 wrote:
stip wrote:
No Way

All the static in my attic-a
Shoots down my side nerve
To the ocean of my platitudes
Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd


Minor detail, but I believe it is sciatic nerve, which is an actual nerve of the lower extremity (anyone with low back or hamstring issues has probably hear of it), instead of side nerve

I just wanted to say that the other day my wife's friend said something about a sciatic nerve and she asked me what it was, and thanks to this thread I had a thorough explanation.

RM: changing lives...everyday.

Author:  SLH916 [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

dscans wrote:
I just wanted to say that the other day my wife's friend said something about a sciatic nerve and she asked me what it was, and thanks to this thread I had a thorough explanation.

RM: changing lives...everyday.

Cool. I don't know who did the transcribtion, but you can clearly hear Eddie singing sciatic, not side nerve, and that's quite a feat for Eddie.

As for this song, stip really nailed it. Kind of interesting musically. Eddie sings it with a lot of humour, so you can sort of swallow the horrible lyrics. Certainly not Stone's best effort. And that Angel business is even more embarrassing than the chorus. 2 stars.

Author:  sianofthedead [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

5 stars, Stone is a god and this song is awesome, lyrically and musically IMO

Author:  Angus [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

sianofthedead wrote:
5 stars, Stone is a god and this song is awesome, lyrically and musically IMO

This girl has it all. Good taste and Irish. Let's marry.

Author:  SmilinSkullRing [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

Angus wrote:
sianofthedead wrote:
5 stars, Stone is a god and this song is awesome, lyrically and musically IMO

This girl has it all. Good taste and Irish. Let's marry.

And she should join Stone's Bitches. :peace:

Author:  Sunny [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

90% of Pearl Jam's catalog grabs you in one way or another. This is not one of those songs unfortunately.

Author:  theplatypus [ Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

I love this song. Love the chorus, the lyrics, the feel, everything. I even love the "let's call in an angel" bit, which to me doesn't make much sense, but works well inside a song where it doesn't seem to matter what makes sense or not. It's absurd to the point of borderline Dadaism. The song hangs askew. It exists, gladly beyond (or beneath?) logic. I like songs like that.

One of the things I love the most about the Yield days-- the band wasn't afraid of not making sense every once in a while. No self-conscious classicism or teenage angst like in Ten or Vs. And none of the contrived depth or insight of the later albums. Just a beautiful little meticulously myopic period where Eddie could sing "Like Pilate I have a dog" or "Who's got the brain of JFK?" and just not give a shit.

I think "Yield" is probably PJ's most post-modern album, and "No Way" is a great example of that.

Author:  dscans [ Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

Sunny wrote:
90% of Pearl Jam's catalog grabs you in one way or another. This is not one of those songs unfortunately.

What happened to the avatar with the girl's ass? I looked forward to that everyday.

Author:  Sunny [ Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

dscans wrote:
Sunny wrote:
90% of Pearl Jam's catalog grabs you in one way or another. This is not one of those songs unfortunately.

What happened to the avatar with the girl's ass? I looked forward to that everyday.

People complained to the mods that it was NSFW so it was taken down, which is understandable.

Author:  stip [ Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

theplatypus wrote:
I love this song. Love the chorus, the lyrics, the feel, everything. I even love the "let's call in an angel" bit, which to me doesn't make much sense, but works well inside a song where it doesn't seem to matter what makes sense or not. It's absurd to the point of borderline Dadaism. The song hangs askew. It exists, gladly beyond (or beneath?) logic. I like songs like that.

One of the things I love the most about the Yield days-- the band wasn't afraid of not making sense every once in a while. No self-conscious classicism or teenage angst like in Ten or Vs. And none of the contrived depth or insight of the later albums. Just a beautiful little meticulously myopic period where Eddie could sing "Like Pilate I have a dog" or "Who's got the brain of JFK?" and just not give a shit.

I think "Yield" is probably PJ's most post-modern album, and "No Way" is a great example of that.

I think the who's got the brain of JFK lyric makes a lot of sense and is important to what that song is trying to do

Author:  theplatypus [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

stip wrote:
I think the who's got the brain of JFK lyric makes a lot of sense and is important to what that song is trying to do

See, maybe. But it feels to me that, like the entire song (and most of Yield), it's tongue-in-cheek, not totally serious, and certainly not as painfully earnest as anything in Avocado. "Who's got the brain of JFK?" sounds like a self-consciously silly lyric. I wish I could access that song's SOTM entry.

I don't know. I think "Yield" just sounds to me like the last time the band actually sounded like they were having fun in the studio.

Also, I'm probably biased because I think Jack Irons is a fantastic drummer and No Code and Yield are my two favorite Pearl Jam records ever, but I think Matt's arrival brought the band to a more "proffessional" performing/recording/songwriting plateau... which, as much as I love the later records and Matt's drumming, sacrifices some of that exhuberance and joy and carelessness displayed in Jack's two records.

I dunno. It's 4 A.M where I am and I'm half drunk. This probably won't make much sense in the morning.

Author:  theplatypus [ Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

I killed this thread

Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

This song is fucking awesome. Top 10 for me.

Author:  Rebar [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

cutuphalfdead wrote:
This song is fucking awesome. Top 10 for me.

THIS. I was so happy to hear it on tour last year.

Also, I enjoy when Jorge talks seriously about PJ.

Author:  Sandler [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

cutuphalfdead wrote:
This song is fucking awesome. Top 10 for me.

Yup. Same here. Sometimes it's top 5.

Author:  Sandler [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

My wife and I walked in to our wedding reception with this song blasting.

Ha, talk about nerdy...

Author:  bmacsmith [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

much better live.

Author:  spenno [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOTM #79: Here's a token of my openness...

bmacsmith wrote:
much better live.

Really? I feel strongly the opposite, the live version really suffers compared to the studio take.

I wish we had a live version with Jack on drums.

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