Red Mosquito

Movie: The Hobbit
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Author:  malice [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Harmless wrote:
[ Narnia isn't supposed to, it's a children's fairytale story involving Turkish Delight, toast and sardines, tea and cake, a whole bunch of WWII English accents, etc. It's meant to be quaint, not kickass or epic.

The Chronicles of Narnia were my favorite books as a child- and for these exact reasons. When I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, I spent days imagining exactly what Turkish Delight might taste like until someone explained to me it's an actual dessert :oops:

more on topic- I liked The Hobbit as a child, enjoyed The LOTR movies enough to buy the boxed set DVDs for the extras and cut scenes, and like the idea of a Hobbit movie, but have trouble with three movies worth of high quality material that still remains true to at least the feeling of the book if not the story line - it feels like even just two movies would be pushing it.

Author:  Harmless [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

malice wrote:
Harmless wrote:
[ Narnia isn't supposed to, it's a children's fairytale story involving Turkish Delight, toast and sardines, tea and cake, a whole bunch of WWII English accents, etc. It's meant to be quaint, not kickass or epic.

The Chronicles of Narnia were my favorite books as a child- and for these exact reasons. When I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, I spent days imagining exactly what Turkish Delight might taste like until someone explained to me it's an actual dessert :oops:

more on topic- I liked The Hobbit as a child, enjoyed The LOTR movies enough to buy the boxed set DVDs for the extras and cut scenes, and like the idea of a Hobbit movie, but have trouble with three movies worth of high quality material that still remains true to at least the feeling of the book if not the story line - it feels like even just two movies would be pushing it.

I don't like Turkish Delight, it's pretty bad.

Are they wanting to make three movies out of this?

Author:  malice [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Harmless wrote:
malice wrote:
Harmless wrote:
[ Narnia isn't supposed to, it's a children's fairytale story involving Turkish Delight, toast and sardines, tea and cake, a whole bunch of WWII English accents, etc. It's meant to be quaint, not kickass or epic.

The Chronicles of Narnia were my favorite books as a child- and for these exact reasons. When I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, I spent days imagining exactly what Turkish Delight might taste like until someone explained to me it's an actual dessert :oops:

more on topic- I liked The Hobbit as a child, enjoyed The LOTR movies enough to buy the boxed set DVDs for the extras and cut scenes, and like the idea of a Hobbit movie, but have trouble with three movies worth of high quality material that still remains true to at least the feeling of the book if not the story line - it feels like even just two movies would be pushing it.

I don't like Turkish Delight, it's pretty bad.

Are they wanting to make three movies out of this?

I'm pretty sure I've never had Turkish Delight but it looks gummy? Not really big on gummy candies...

And go back a page in this thread (I think- maybe two?) - DJ posted a blurb from Peter Jackson about it being a trilogy

Author:  Harmless [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

malice wrote:
Harmless wrote:
malice wrote:
Harmless wrote:
[ Narnia isn't supposed to, it's a children's fairytale story involving Turkish Delight, toast and sardines, tea and cake, a whole bunch of WWII English accents, etc. It's meant to be quaint, not kickass or epic.

The Chronicles of Narnia were my favorite books as a child- and for these exact reasons. When I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, I spent days imagining exactly what Turkish Delight might taste like until someone explained to me it's an actual dessert :oops:

more on topic- I liked The Hobbit as a child, enjoyed The LOTR movies enough to buy the boxed set DVDs for the extras and cut scenes, and like the idea of a Hobbit movie, but have trouble with three movies worth of high quality material that still remains true to at least the feeling of the book if not the story line - it feels like even just two movies would be pushing it.

I don't like Turkish Delight, it's pretty bad.

Are they wanting to make three movies out of this?

I'm pretty sure I've never had Turkish Delight but it looks gummy? Not really big on gummy candies...

And go back a page in this thread (I think- maybe two?) - DJ posted a blurb from Peter Jackson about it being a trilogy

Ah, OK. Well, that'll probably be everything I don't want then.

Yeah - Turkish Delight is a gummy / stretchy cube of pink candy, dusted (I think) with icing sugar. The dominant flavour is rose, and I hate rose water etc. They have Turkish Delight flavour chocolates as well.

Author:  bmacsmith [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

probably a lot of singing to pad the running time in these.

Author:  Harmless [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

bmacsmith wrote:
probably a lot of singing to pad the running time in these.


Author:  McParadigm [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Well, as long as they're not trying to follow up an epic "save life as we know it" powerhouse of a trilogy with a whole other trilogy...especially one that really only has enough storyline for one book.

After Lucas, nobody else would make that mistake, right? I mean...right?.....

...well, as long as they're not going to give us a movie called There and Back Again, or something. That would be a step away from releasing an epic called Touch Your Bellybutton with Happy Rainbows.

Author:  Harmless [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

If it ends up being a trilogy, I'm waiting for the dvd.

Author:  McParadigm [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

I have no recollection of making that post.

I wonder if I was being serious.

Author:  stip [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

I'm not sure why people are bothered by this. It's not like they're going back and filming more crap to flesh out a third movie, are they?

Author:  dimejinky99 [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Kind of exactly what they are doing. They overshot and felt another film could be justified by mining the appendices of LOTR, featuring events untold in the main text and further character development. I'm a big fan of the books and Jackson's handling of the first trilogy but I'm nervous about this. It reeks of cash grab more than it does wanting to honour the story with a filled out/expanded telling of it.
We won't know til December I guess but a small mercy is that the third film will follow in the summer of 2014 rather than waiting for a third Christmas release.

Author:  Harmless [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Exactly Dime.

LOTR could be said to be a single book in three parts, or three books (correct me if I'm wrong - the publishers sold them seperately but they were written together). The Hobbit is most definitely a single book, and a fairly small one at that isn't it? It's a one-book, small-scale prequel to the three epics, and that's how it should stay. To be honest I don't care as much as I sound like I do (story of my life) but I'm just confused about why they're doing it this way.

Author:  Rebar [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

So what I question is where this 'extra' stuff is added in? Throughout the original two movies, making them longer and having to cut it into 3? If they are filming new storylines, delving deeper, etc. then surely won't some of it come into play in the first movie, due out in December? That seems like rushing to get new stuff added in by then...

Author:  Rebar [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Whatever. I'm just looking forward to the 12-part epic, The Simarillion.

Author:  stip [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

My assumption is that they are fleshing out the events in middle earth that lead to the Lord of the Rings (putting the finding of the ring into a larger contest). So it's expanding the story that they are telling, but that doesn't alter the hobbit's story in any fundamental way. Adding is not necessarily the same thing as changing

Author:  dimejinky99 [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Tolkien intended for LotR to be published in 7 different parts as a serial but paper was subject to rationing, like everything else at the time so the publishers went with the three volumes. An idea which infuriated him as the title of the last book effectively told you the ending. He was overruled. That coupled with the endless corrections the typesetters made (elfen instead or elven etc) he had a nightmare of a time for a few many years and with the books increasing popularity later on, the errors continued for a long time.

He did sell the film rights to both Hobbit and LotR, being under the safe assumption that the later would be unfilmable. His only concern about the Hobbit was that he didn't want it Disneyfied(his words). Which I think PJ&co have avoided although I can't imagine TolkIen ever being happy with the changes they made. Another reason his family and estate have been against these renditions, financial matters aside.

Bad news for you though Ruddo. He never sold the rights to Silmarillion and it was compiled and edited by his son posthumously, into its current form. There are a number of really cinematic, cool stories in there that PJ could work wonders with, but sadly it will never happen.

Author:  Rebar [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

dimejinky99 wrote:
His only concern about the Hobbit was that he didn't want it Disneyfied(his words).



Author:  dimejinky99 [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

Don't know if he ever saw or made comment about that or Bakshi's LoTR film.
I liked the Bakshi film. Never saw that Hobbit cartoon. There's an anime version of LoTR I've never been able to track down but I'm told it's visually stunning.

Author:  badabing [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

I watched that Hobbit cartoon a million times when I was a kid.

Author:  stip [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movie: The Hobbit

you know, I may not have seen the hobbit cartoon. I was thinking of that LOTR cartoon

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