Red Mosquito

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Author:  Rebar [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Galvanize

How in the hell did I get into a hole that dark in the first place? Seems like I was just plugging along at life one day and then the next day I was looking up at a light so small it may not have been light at all. What's worse is I fell into the routines of that place. All its misery and mundane ways. And it seems as though all around me was happy to have the misery as company.

New faces would arrive, and I would be happy to see them. But after a short visit I could care less if I saw them again or not. They seemed to want to help me out of the pit but I only halfway accepted and then let go and slipped right back in.

Then out of nowhere I was thrown out of that place and into this place that seemed so strange and uncomfortable yet so, so familiar. Had I been here before? If so it reaches beyond my memory. Or so it seems.

I expected you to be like all the others that wanted to help but just accepted my decline. I wanted you to just be that false sense that wasn't even really hope. But you aren't. I want to go on about my day doing my monotonous routine but in the midst of all that I find myself wandering off into the thought of you. I want to go to bed and fall asleep right away because all I have is to wake up and do it all over again. But I don't. Instead I lay awake for a while thinking about the next great moment with you.

How did this happen? It seems so frightening and out of place yet I don't want it to go away. Even if our paths go separate ways, I'm at least on a path again. But what if our paths are heading in the same direction?

Author:  withoutrings [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galvanize

cutuphalfdead wrote:

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