Red Mosquito

Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)
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Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

That's not even it. Even if the SV series is inferior it shouldn't be considered disrespectful to come up with something better.

Author:  ScottZeagle [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

cutuphalfdead wrote:
ScottZeagle wrote:
cutuphalfdead wrote:
Rebar wrote:
The thread about these over at the pit is entertaining.

Seems as though some people take offense that these might be "better" than the SV series, even though that isn't why this project was done. :?

Yeah, some dude was minimally involved in the SV process and got offended because someone topped him.

Fuck that guy.

And his sister.

do you happen to have a photo of his sister?

Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

ScottZeagle wrote:
cutuphalfdead wrote:
ScottZeagle wrote:
cutuphalfdead wrote:
Rebar wrote:
The thread about these over at the pit is entertaining.

Seems as though some people take offense that these might be "better" than the SV series, even though that isn't why this project was done. :?

Yeah, some dude was minimally involved in the SV process and got offended because someone topped him.

Fuck that guy.

And his sister.

do you happen to have a photo of his sister?

I have two but at this point they're stuck together.

Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

I'm listening to Melbourne 98 right now. This is so fucking good. I'm hearing little nuances in this performance that I've previously overlooked. Everyone sounds so crisp.

Author:  Kevin Davis [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

What's the SV series?

So far, these remasters are definitive editions for me. Shows I couldn't imagine sounding better (Atlanta '94, Melbourne '98) somehow do, and the ones where there was noticeable room for improvement (SLC '95, Berlin '96), well, they noticeably improve. JWB did a really good thing here.

Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Kevin Davis wrote:
What's the SV series?

A while back people put together "definitive" versions of 40 some odd Pearl Jam shows as the SV series. A lot of them are the best available soundboard/audience/mix sources out there, but others mistakenly aren't (melbourne 98 is labeled as the sony promo source but is actually the pre-fm source). It's a really good collection, but definitely leaved room for improvement.
Kevin Davis wrote:
So far, these remasters are definitive editions for me. Shows I couldn't imagine sounding better (Atlanta '94, Melbourne '98) somehow do, and the ones where there was noticeable room for improvement (SLC '95, Berlin '96), well, they noticeably improve. JWB did a really good thing here.

Oh for sure. I can't believe how better Melbourne 98 sounds, and I never really had any problem with the best available source before this.

Author:  Kevin Davis [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Here's a good quote from that thread:

"The Atlanta show - is there any difference between this one and the 3 disc Dissident release?"

You mean, other than the fact that this one includes all the songs from the show?

Is there a link to that SV series somewhere? Curious what all's in it.

Author:  cutuphalfdead [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

I can't find a list of the shows anywhere, but I have it on my hard drive at home. I can post a screen shot or something tonight. And if you're interested I could always send them along to you on DVDs.

Author:  Rebar [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

cutuphalfdead wrote:
I can't find a list of the shows anywhere, but I have it on my hard drive at home. I can post a screen shot or something tonight. And if you're interested I could always send them along to you on DVDs.

There's a thread somewhere here with the list. I'm searching now. The search function doesn't like "SV"

Author:  Rebar [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Here. This has a list on the first page.

Author:  ridleybradout [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

cutuphalfdead wrote:
ScottZeagle wrote:
cutuphalfdead wrote:
ScottZeagle wrote:
cutuphalfdead wrote:
Rebar wrote:
The thread about these over at the pit is entertaining.

Seems as though some people take offense that these might be "better" than the SV series, even though that isn't why this project was done. :?

Yeah, some dude was minimally involved in the SV process and got offended because someone topped him.

Fuck that guy.

And his sister.

do you happen to have a photo of his sister?

I have two but at this point they're stuck together.

Hey guys, go easy on that dude (and his sister). He was actually really polite about bringing up the SV series, even pointing out those that needed improvement and how he was looking forward to comparing with JWB's work.

cutuphalfdead wrote:
A while back people put together "definitive" versions of 40 some odd Pearl Jam shows as the SV series. A lot of them are the best available soundboard/audience/mix sources out there, but others mistakenly aren't (melbourne 98 is labeled as the sony promo source but is actually the pre-fm source). It's a really good collection, but definitely leaved room for improvement.

I'm pretty sure its actually a post-FM source - either way it's ludicrous that this went unnoticed for so long (though many seemed to have suspicions something was a bit fishy). I wasted a lot of time doing a mix of this 'best available source' with the 'Give Way' tracks a few years back :x


Author:  gatherspeed [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

cutuphalfdead wrote:
That's not even it. Even if the SV series is inferior it shouldn't be considered disrespectful to come up with something better.

The SV series is very good and if you like it stick with it. Nobody is taking that away. This set is very good also. The most significant improvement I've heard have been on the pure soundboard sources. Hawaii 92, SLC 95 and Seattle 98. They were raw tapes and now are WAY better.

I keep all sources and love them each for different reasons. I've also been involved in remasters and mixes (Montreal 98 comes to mind) and took some criticism for those.

Everyone has a right to say, listen to and enjoy what they want. I never think of multiple sources being audience or soundboard as being definitive, just as another option. Sometimes I listen to a Maui 98 show with the Sonics source and sometimes the schoeps. Two different perspectives.

For example, I'm sticking with the original 1995 Wash DC mix. Seeing as it was a semi-official release, I'm leaving it as such. My option. I like the hard work and have tons of appreciation. I'm not taking anything away. Like I said - The pure soundboard tapes have better fidelity now.

Heck, I even have the official downloads of the Gorge shows and the Gorge box set. Same shows. Two different OFFICIAL releases and sound quite different. Both sound good. Both are on CD (and CDR). No harm done.

EDITED TO ADD: I did grab DC 95 as another option. My opinion changes all the time. Just not burning to CD just yet.

Author:  Kevin Davis [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

cutuphalfdead wrote:
I can't find a list of the shows anywhere, but I have it on my hard drive at home. I can post a screen shot or something tonight. And if you're interested I could always send them along to you on DVDs.

I appreciate the generous offer, but I think JWB's remasters are going to have me fixed on live PJ for a while. Plus looking at that list Rebar kindly linked to, I've got a lot of those shows, and honestly the versions I have might already be SV versions. It looks like there are some official-era bootlegs in there too--what's up with that?

Author:  Kevin Davis [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Man, this improv from Salt Lake City is awesome. And "Elderly Woman" being played on an electric? I miss that.

There really is a whole side to this band that's just been lost to the years.

Author:  ridleybradout [ Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Kevin Davis wrote:
Man, this improv from Salt Lake City is awesome. And "Elderly Woman" being played on an electric? I miss that.

There really is a whole side to this band that's just been lost to the years.

Some very cool alternate vocal melodies during RVM at this show too :nice:

Author:  patrick [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

These are great! Thanks to all for sourcing these and putting them together. Currently on the torrent and will seed for a while:)

As for the SV series, they were good, and are still good boots. Until the band starts releasing these early shows, efforts like this and the SV are well appreciated for quality recordings.

Author:  track12 [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

spenno wrote:
track12 wrote:
Mike is lower in the mix on 3/17/1995 than Stone...

...but you can't boost "Mike guitar" on a stereo, unless (naivety speaking here) you boosted the left channel's balance (but normalized the volume). Would that work?

I actually tried this, years ago.

It doesn't really work. It ruins the whole stereo image as there's more than just Mike's guitar coming through that left channel - if you just listen to that speaker, you'll note that you've got a lot of Jack's drums, Ed's vocals and Jeff's bass audible too, so all of those will also end up being boosted and the whole mix will sound very lopsided.

I've never been crazy about the mix of that Melbourne show either, it's a shame as it's a great show.

Gracias, that's exactly what I was wondering...

Author:  totalsellout [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Let me just add my 2 cents that these remasters are great. Thanks for taking the time to give us a new, and in many cases better, perspective on some often-listened to shows.

I was hoping JWB that you could post a list of which sources were used for each show, and remastering notes as well, just like you did for your Nirvana remixes for example (love those too!). In comparing these new versions to what I currently have for these shows, some sound like there was just some basic eq'ing done, while others sound drastically different. It would be helpful to know if I'm even listening to the same original source or not.


Author:  Kevin Davis [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

What are these Nirvana remixes you speak of?

Author:  Owl_Farmer [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soundboard Remasters Series (pre-2000 bootlegs)

Man, Jack owns In my Tree so much it's not even funny.

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