Red Mosquito

Decriminalization of Marijuana??
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Author:  pearljam_addiction [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Decriminalization of Marijuana??

just want to know the feelings on this subject,

on the Alaskan ballod this nov 2 they will be voting on the decriminalization of marijuana

if this was your state how would you vote?

jesus i wish this was a PA question cause id vote for it in a minute, i think its stupid that it is illegal, it should be decriminalized, for thousands of reasons

Author:  StyrofoamChicken [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:56 pm ]
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I'd vote yes. I think all drugs should be legal. I don't care what you want to do to your own body.

Author:  Mitchell [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:02 pm ]
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i would vote no

Author:  pearljam_addiction [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:05 pm ]
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StyrofoamChicken wrote:
I'd vote yes. I think all drugs should be legal. I don't care what you want to do to your own body.

well i dont think all drugs should be legal, drugs like coke, heroin, crack, they should surely stay illegal

but pot is so inconsequential

Author:  kaesrya [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:48 pm ]
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I think it should be legal. When my dad was going through chemo (he's fine, it wasn't a major cancer), he was given a really low, legal dose to help with the nausea. His doctor apparently told him he should ask me if I could score some at school (um, luckily I never had to do that)... I don't know if a stronger dose would have helped, but it would have been nice if it was legal so he could have tried.

Author:  Man in Black [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Decriminalization of Marijuana??


Author:  kusko_andy [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:05 am ]
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This is a long overdue change that needs to take place in America. Luckily, I live in a state full of independent-minded folks, many of whom like their weed.

That being said, I don't smoke it, and I don't like it either. But there is absolutely no reason for it to be illegal.

That also being said, the initiative may not even pass on Election Day.

Author:  ledbetter10 [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:30 am ]
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yeah i think drugs in general should be legalized and semi-regulated...i saw a whole seminar on this and the pro's/cons...very interesting

Author:  releasegrrl [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:30 am ]
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I'd vote yes...there's no reason for marijuana to be illegal

Author:  glorified_version [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:42 am ]
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Everybody knows my stance on this....our state and local governments would save a lot of time if they stop this propaganda. We have millions of dollars being spent every year so the idiots in the DARE program can stop by Mrs. Johnson's 4th grade class to tell them the dangers of marijuana. Wrecking their cars, getting their girlfriends pregnant, burning their houses down. Instead, the money should go to public parks, or hell, even more law enforcment, as long as its made illegal or at least decriminalized.

Here's how "unified" America is: possession of any amount of marijuana or paraphanelia in my hometown results in massive fines up to $1000. Yet in my college town 3 hours away, possession of pot up to 10 grams or a piece of paraphanelia is equal to a traffic ticket.

The war on drugs has been a miserable failure and the establishment is just throwing money down the toilet to protect our country's (supposed) wonderful, rosey cheeked, white, God-fearing, middle-class children.

Amazing how far fear goes.

Author:  PissBottleMan [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 1:02 am ]
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I think it somewhat hypocritical of the government to say one thing is alright, but another is not.

I spend close to $150.00 bucks on prescription medication. Do I like paying that? Hell no, but what am I going to do.

One day, the government will find a great way to regulate the distribution of marijuana. It's all about money, once they find a way, they will find a a way to justify the distribution.

Author:  punkdavid [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 1:06 am ]
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Decriminalize possession of all drugs.


Author:  Peeps [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:45 am ]
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keep it criminalized:

if it becomes legal, then that means it will be monitored as far as potencey goes. then people will not like that, theyll want stuff that is stronger, so then they go back to getting it in "the back alleys" where it is much more potent.

we already have alcohol that is legal, and people do stupid enough stuff while drunk as it is, we dont need another group doing stupid shit

Author:  Green Habit [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:07 am ]
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Definitely legalize weed.

As far as "harder" drugs go, I'm still on the fence. It's a delicate balance between individual freedom and public safety.

Author:  suchpj [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:35 am ]
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If the federal governement were to decriminalize marijuana it would be a HUGE money making opportunity. They would simply do what they do with cigarettes, and make it illegal to sell it with out a tax stamp. So, they would just tax the hell out of it, and charge $20 for what you could buy for $5 on the street. Personally i couldnt care less about it one way or another. The people who smoke it now, will still smoket, and for the most part, people who dont smoke now, will continue not to smoke. There would probably be a slight influx of people trying it, but in the long run more people woudlnt be sucked in. After all, when the governemtn starts charging $40 for a joint, not many people will do it...

Author:  glorified_version [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:45 am ]
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It would be impossible for the government to regulate it, people would just grow and buy and sell their own for prices far less than those sold in privately owned shops that are taxed.

Author:  Orpheus [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:10 am ]
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Peeps wrote:
keep it criminalized:

if it becomes legal, then that means it will be monitored as far as potencey goes. then people will not like that, theyll want stuff that is stronger, so then they go back to getting it in "the back alleys" where it is much more potent.

we already have alcohol that is legal, and people do stupid enough stuff while drunk as it is, we dont need another group doing stupid shit

Decriminalization and Legalization are not the same.

To decriminalize marijuana in the least sense would be to simply remove the possiblity of jail time, and fines for possesion might still be existent.

Also, alcohol is probably ten times more dangerous than weed. It's much harder to take advantage of a girl if she's only smoked weed, it's much easier to drive if one has only smoked weed, it's much easier to think clearly if one has only smoked weed...the list goes on and on. If alcohol is legal, weed shoudl surely be legal.

Author:  Heatherj43 [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:31 am ]
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I would vote yes for a few reasons. One is because pot actually has benefits to one's health. Another is because of the length of time it shows up in drug tests. For instance...if your employer requires random drug screens, you could be a crack head, herion feind, etc...and the test will show you are clean as long as it's been a day or so since you last used...but with pot you can have not used for quite some time and the test will still show positive. That just isn't fair.
I don't even smoke the stuff but have seen it help people...especially people with ADHD. I also witnessed people losing their jobs for testing positive yet not have smoked it in a week or so.

POT needs to be is less destructive than alcohol and that is legal.

Author:  Heatherj43 [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:33 am ]
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glorified_version wrote:
It would be impossible for the government to regulate it, people would just grow and buy and sell their own for prices far less than those sold in privately owned shops that are taxed.
That is no different than people who brew their own beer. C'mon......

Author:  glorified_version [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:00 am ]
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Heatherj43 wrote:
glorified_version wrote:
It would be impossible for the government to regulate it, people would just grow and buy and sell their own for prices far less than those sold in privately owned shops that are taxed.
That is no different than people who brew their own beer. C'mon......

I would say brewing your own beer is much different than growing your own pot. People would still grow it at high potency and sell it less than the government does.

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