Red Mosquito

Piratebay founders Jailed
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Author:  ¡B! [ Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

tyler wrote:
mastaflatch wrote:
Mine wrote:
mastaflatch wrote:
what's the difference between buying a used book/dvd/car and downloading an album illegaly?

I guess it's some sort of a grey area since no one gets royalties from the re-selling of the copyrighted work.

my guess is that there's none except from the duplication thing about mp3s.
The big difference is when you sell a book/cd/dvd second hand you are giving up your ability to use/enjoy it in the future.

Except when you've already ripped a copy of the CD/DVD. :wink:

Author:  psychobain [ Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed


Author:  BadMusic [ Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

To elaborate on what I said in the locked thread, they are asking for retrial, since the judge was found to be part of the Swedish Copyright Association along with people who represented the music industry in the trial.

Author:  Buffalohed [ Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

Wow, and the judge didn't voluntarily remove himself from the case? Sounds like he needs to be replaced.

Author:  randallanddarcy [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

BadMusic wrote:
To elaborate on what I said in the locked thread, they are asking for retrial, since the judge was found to be part of the Swedish Copyright Association along with people who represented the music industry in the trial.

Can you say 'conflict of interest?' What a wanker (not you, BadMusic, the judge!)

Author:  Pegasus [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed


Swedish pirates capture EU seat

Sweden's Pirate Party has won a seat in the European Parliament.

The group - which campaigned on reformation of copyright and patent law - secured 7.1% of the Swedish vote.

The result puts the Pirate Party in fifth place, behind the Social Democrats, Greens, Liberals and the Moderate Party.

Rickard Falkvinge, the party leader, told the BBC the win was "gigantic" and that they were now negotiating with four different EU Parliamentary groups.

"Last night, we gained political credibility," said Mr Falkvinge.

"People were not taken in by the establishment and we got political trust from the citizens."

The profile of the Pirate Party and issues surrounding copyright law have dominated headlines in Sweden over the past few months.

Rallying cry

In April, a court in Sweden sentenced the four men behind The Pirate Bay, the world's most high-profile file-sharing website, to a year in jail and ordered them to pay $4.5m (£3m) in damages.

Mr Falkvinge said it had played a significant role in getting them the vote.

"The establishment is trying to prevent control of knowledge and culture slipping from their grasp.

"When the Pirate Bay got hit, people realised the wolf was outside the front door.

"That happened one month before the ballot opened, so it had quite a rallying effect," he said.

Parties within the European Parliament tend to join one of the big voting blocs, otherwise their MEP can become marginalised.

Mr Falkvinge said they were still considering their position.

"We're looking at four different EU Parliament groups," he said.

"However, we're probably going to join either the Green block or the ALDE group."

The biggest loser in Sweden's election was the eurosceptic June List party, which saw its share of the vote fall by more than 10 points to 3.6% of the vote. The Left Party also saw its vote halved to 5.6%.

Author:  Skitch Patterson [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

lol@ this thread.

Author:  Green Habit [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

What caused the bump?

Author:  Skitch Patterson [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

Green Habit wrote:
What caused the bump?

buffalohed nostalgia. Frankly, If i dontated enough, it should probably have its own forum.

Author:  62strat [ Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

:| well i just got an email. no more torrenting for this guy :peace:

Author:  p911gt10c [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

No bands will ever see any money from The Pirate Bay lawsuit


by Nick Martin August 3, 2012

After years of litigation, appeals, and prison sentences, the Swedish Supreme Court has finally forced—sort of—BitTorrent tracker site The Pirate Bay to pay reparations for millions of dollars of media revenue lost to file sharing.

Of course, the decision is not without its stipulations. Perhaps the most disheartening is that the artists whose work was actually stolen will not receive any money whatsoever. Instead, the International Federation Of The Phonographic Industry will receive the entire $675,000 payout. IFPI claims it will use this money to prevent piracy in the future.

Still, even IFPI will face major roadblocks in actually receiving any money, since the four founders of The Pirate Bay have no monetary assets in Sweden, and Swedish courts have no claim to money outside of Swedish borders. A document leaked to TorrentFreak shows IFPI claiming “little realistic prospect of recovering funds” from The Pirate Bay.

However, there is some good news on the intellectual property sharing front, as some forward-thinking artists are now looking into working with torrent clients. As Rolling Stone reports, DJ Shadow recently made a deal with BitTorrent, in which Shadow will be paid every time his music is downloaded for free. The catch: The payout comes only after BitTorrent users install some bundled software from an advertising partner on their computers (which no one who uses BitTorrent would likely ever do).

Author:  Skitch Patterson [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

This should probably have it's own thread.

Author:  p911gt10c [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

Co-founder of The Pirate Bay arrested in Cambodia


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – A co-founder of popular file sharing website The Pirate Bay was arrested in Cambodia at the request of Sweden, where he faces a one-year prison term for violating copyright laws, authorities said Monday.

Cambodian authorities arrested Gottfrid Svartholm Warg on Thursday at a home he had rented in the capital, Phnom Penh, said national police spokesman Kirth Chantharith.

“He is being detained in Cambodia and we are waiting to expel him,” Kirth Chantharith said. Cambodia has no extradition treaty with Sweden but has requested details of Svartholm Warg’s crime in order to process his handover, he said, adding that Cambodia would act as quickly as possible.

Svartholm Warg and the site’s three other founders were convicted in 2009 by a Swedish court of assisting copyright infringement by helping millions of the site’s users to illegally download music, movies and computer games. All were sentenced to one year in prison and ordered to pay 30 million kronor ($3.6 million) to entertainment companies, including Warner Bros., Sony Music Entertainment, EMI and Columbia Pictures.

Svartholm Warg failed to show up at an appeal hearing in 2010. At the time, his defence attorney told the court he had received text messages from Svartholm Warg’s mother saying her son had fallen ill in Cambodia and would not appear in court.

The appeals court reduced the prison sentences for the three other co-founders from one year to between four and 10 months and raised the amount they have to pay in damages to the entertainment industry to 46 million kronor ($6.5 million).

All four defendants denied the charges, arguing that The Pirate Bay doesn’t actually host any copyright-protected material itself. Instead, it provides a forum for users to download content through so-called torrent files. The technology allows users to transfer parts of a large file from several different users, increasing download speeds.

Kirth Chantharith said a group of Swedish officials was scheduled to arrive in Cambodia on Monday or Tuesday to present documents concerning the case and discuss procedures for returning Svartholm Warg.

Author:  Skitch Patterson [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed


Author:  Rebar [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piratebay founders Jailed

That's a lenny post if I ever saw one, Skitch.

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