Red Mosquito

Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy
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Author:  Junco Partner [ Wed May 23, 2007 6:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I will say this, I used to work at a hotel not far from the grassy knoll, and the building oswald was in isnt all that big, and the area itself where he was shot is pretty small... so youd think someone wuold have noticed something fishy.

Author:  Clubber [ Wed May 23, 2007 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

punkdavid wrote:
I still have several unanswered questions but this site has been very helpful to me:

seems like a very biased site

Author:  punkdavid [ Wed May 23, 2007 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Clubber wrote:
punkdavid wrote:
I still have several unanswered questions but this site has been very helpful to me:

seems like a very biased site

I thought it seemed very logical and analytical, with very little bias except to make fun of people who don't use logical analysis.

It also have tons of links to conspiracy websites, and even refers to some people as "sophisticated conspiracists" as a complement.

Author:  conoalias [ Wed May 23, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

psychologically speaking, why are people still so intrigued about this? is it to find justice? peace of mind? or something else.

Author:  Kevman [ Wed May 23, 2007 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

conoalias wrote:
psychologically speaking, why are people still so intrigued about this? is it to find justice? peace of mind? or something else.

Same reason 9/11 footage silences a room. it's just such a vivid moment captured on tape. and you are taken to that moment you were in. and the consequences of that moment forever change the future outcomes.

and the fact that the a subcommittee of congress met in 1974 or 76 and said that there was sufficient amount of data to suggest a conspiracy doesn't really help definitively close the books forever.

Author:  C4Lukin [ Fri May 25, 2007 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
I'm not here to make a case for either side and I know you've heard all the conspiracy rants before, but I'm just curious to hear what you all think really happened.

It is impossible to say. I was not around, and I am currently most influenced by the Oliver Stone plot which involved the CIA, FBI, Castro, the Mafia, the KGB, Johnson and various Lousiana VIP's.

That is the thing with conspiracy theories. The more important the event, the more witnesses you have, the more cameras you have trained on it, the more dilluted the facts become.

Whatever happened it was very simplistic. There were not a half dozen shooters, and ten agencies involved. It was either one crazy man or one to two assasins hired by an individual entity. There were not 2000 people involved who were all silenced or trained to keep a secret.

My guess is that Oswald was hired by some mafia group to hit Kennedy. That same group used Ruby to kill Oswald. Whatever their motivations were was probably purely financial, and in the end only a few people were involved.

Author:  punkdavid [ Fri May 25, 2007 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

C4Lukin wrote:
I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
I'm not here to make a case for either side and I know you've heard all the conspiracy rants before, but I'm just curious to hear what you all think really happened.

It is impossible to say. I was not around, and I am currently most influenced by the Oliver Stone plot which involved the CIA, FBI, Castro, the Mafia, the KGB, Johnson and various Lousiana VIP's.

That is the thing with conspiracy theories. The more important the event, the more witnesses you have, the more cameras you have trained on it, the more dilluted the facts become.

Whatever happened it was very simplistic. There were not a half dozen shooters, and ten agencies involved. It was either one crazy man or one to two assasins hired by an individual entity. There were not 2000 people involved who were all silenced or trained to keep a secret.

My guess is that Oswald was hired by some mafia group to hit Kennedy. That same group used Ruby to kill Oswald. Whatever their motivations were was probably purely financial, and in the end only a few people were involved.

I agree.

I get the feeling that even if Oswald was the only shooter, he was STILL the patsy. He was hired by someone a lot more powerful and smarter than he, and to make sure the one loose end didn't fray, he was dispatched immediately thereafter.

Author:  conoalias [ Fri May 25, 2007 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kevman wrote:
conoalias wrote:
psychologically speaking, why are people still so intrigued about this? is it to find justice? peace of mind? or something else.

Same reason 9/11 footage silences a room. it's just such a vivid moment captured on tape. and you are taken to that moment you were in. and the consequences of that moment forever change the future outcomes.

and the fact that the a subcommittee of congress met in 1974 or 76 and said that there was sufficient amount of data to suggest a conspiracy doesn't really help definitively close the books forever.

interesting. your comparison with 9/11 is a bit silly though. Kennedy was targeted as a person, 9/11 was a statement against a whole society. The fact that Kennedy was killed doesn't really affect us much right now in comparison to what's happening now in the aftermath of 9/11. i guess i was asking because, sure i'd like to know what happened exactly in Dallas '63 as well, but i don't quite understand why this still is such a concern for so many people.

Author:  4/5 [ Fri May 25, 2007 9:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

conoalias wrote:
Kevman wrote:
conoalias wrote:
psychologically speaking, why are people still so intrigued about this? is it to find justice? peace of mind? or something else.

Same reason 9/11 footage silences a room. it's just such a vivid moment captured on tape. and you are taken to that moment you were in. and the consequences of that moment forever change the future outcomes.

and the fact that the a subcommittee of congress met in 1974 or 76 and said that there was sufficient amount of data to suggest a conspiracy doesn't really help definitively close the books forever.

interesting. your comparison with 9/11 is a bit silly though. Kennedy was targeted as a person, 9/11 was a statement against a whole society. The fact that Kennedy was killed doesn't really affect us much right now in comparison to what's happening now in the aftermath of 9/11. i guess i was asking because, sure i'd like to know what happened exactly in Dallas '63 as well, but i don't quite understand why this still is such a concern for so many people.

It might sound silly because of the scope of each, one resulting in one death, and the other in about 3,000, but his comparison works. Ask anybody who was at least 5 years old then, and they can tell you exactly where they were on the afternoon of Nov 22, 1963. Schools sent kids home. People hovered around televisions for days. The emotional impact upon the American people is very comprable.

Author:  conoalias [ Fri May 25, 2007 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

aprilfifth wrote:
conoalias wrote:
Kevman wrote:
conoalias wrote:
psychologically speaking, why are people still so intrigued about this? is it to find justice? peace of mind? or something else.

Same reason 9/11 footage silences a room. it's just such a vivid moment captured on tape. and you are taken to that moment you were in. and the consequences of that moment forever change the future outcomes.

and the fact that the a subcommittee of congress met in 1974 or 76 and said that there was sufficient amount of data to suggest a conspiracy doesn't really help definitively close the books forever.

interesting. your comparison with 9/11 is a bit silly though. Kennedy was targeted as a person, 9/11 was a statement against a whole society. The fact that Kennedy was killed doesn't really affect us much right now in comparison to what's happening now in the aftermath of 9/11. i guess i was asking because, sure i'd like to know what happened exactly in Dallas '63 as well, but i don't quite understand why this still is such a concern for so many people.

It might sound silly because of the scope of each, one resulting in one death, and the other in about 3,000, but his comparison works. Ask anybody who was at least 5 years old then, and they can tell you exactly where they were on the afternoon of Nov 22, 1963. Schools sent kids home. People hovered around televisions for days. The emotional impact upon the American people is very comparable.
I understand what you're saying but i was talking about why the Kennedy murder is still such hot news, 44 years after the fact, today.

Author:  4/5 [ Fri May 25, 2007 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

conoalias wrote:
I understand what you're saying but i was talking about why the Kennedy murder is still such hot news, 44 years after the fact, today.


Well, I would say that Americans love unsolved mysteries. Everybody does really. There's something really intriguing about a murder, and with the victim being the president of the United States, its the ultimate whodunit. Probably helps that Kennedy was young, his family was like royalty, the whole notion of Camelot. In that regard, Americans have never gotten enough of the Kennedys as a whole. Its all just very intriguing. This shortly followed one of the most tense moments of the Cold War, so you have the dynamics of Cubans, Soviets, Commies all involved. Then you have all the mob connections/the way Bobby came down on the mob, so people throw the mob into the mix. Then add in the many supposed mishaps and curiousities of the day, Hoover's dislike of Jack, and now you have the FBI involved, and then some will throw in the CIA.

So now you have a convoluted picture wherein depending what you read anybody from the mob to the FBI or CIA or Castro or the Soviets, or Anti-Castro Cubans, or a lone nut, or some extraordinary combination of all of the above were involved in the assassination.

All that said, 96% of what people think about it is nonsense, and pretty much everything I threw out there that keeps people captivated to it about it belongs in that category.

Author:  Man in Black [ Sat May 26, 2007 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

punkdavid wrote:
C4Lukin wrote:
I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
I'm not here to make a case for either side and I know you've heard all the conspiracy rants before, but I'm just curious to hear what you all think really happened.

It is impossible to say. I was not around, and I am currently most influenced by the Oliver Stone plot which involved the CIA, FBI, Castro, the Mafia, the KGB, Johnson and various Lousiana VIP's.

That is the thing with conspiracy theories. The more important the event, the more witnesses you have, the more cameras you have trained on it, the more dilluted the facts become.

Whatever happened it was very simplistic. There were not a half dozen shooters, and ten agencies involved. It was either one crazy man or one to two assasins hired by an individual entity. There were not 2000 people involved who were all silenced or trained to keep a secret.

My guess is that Oswald was hired by some mafia group to hit Kennedy. That same group used Ruby to kill Oswald. Whatever their motivations were was probably purely financial, and in the end only a few people were involved.

I agree.

I get the feeling that even if Oswald was the only shooter, he was STILL the patsy. He was hired by someone a lot more powerful and smarter than he, and to make sure the one loose end didn't fray, he was dispatched immediately thereafter.


Author:  Mind of Meddle [ Sat May 26, 2007 2:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I think Man in Black has a deep-seated hatred for anything conspiracy related.

Author:  ^rubyinthedust^ [ Sat May 26, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welll one thing is for certain, he was a target for more than one person/organization...

I personally believe Lee Harvey Oswald was hired to do it, either by force-or otherwise.. it is documented that he was an expert marksman & was trained by the CIA:

I think Lee Harvey Oswald was a scapegoat, a pawn... he was being used for the purpose of a hit on President Kennedy- then he was to be silenced-by none other than Jack Ruby.

But it is documented that Jack Ruby & Lee Harvey Oswald were affiliated with organized crime aka 'the mob'... Lee Harvey has been quoted as saying by a former employee of his 'Well I am already a dead man, so I should just keep on running' something to that effect.

Jack Ruby was also good friends with Jimmy Hoffa. -who was admittedly involved with 'the mob':

& common sense suggests that the bullet wounds (entry & exit) could in no way shape or form, be from one gun.

Author:  EllisEamos [ Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

the conclusion of this op-doc is tremendous. ... a-man.html

Author:  The Rock [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

^ That was brilliant. The guy has a point, everything that seems to have no other explanation other than sinister/conspiracy, well there's always some nut-job out there with his/her own valid reason for doing something.

I mean, nobody would ever imagine that the umbrella man was protesting the policies of JFK's dad, but there you go.

Whether or not I actually believe that is another thing, but it's very interesting.

Author:  dimejinky99 [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

There's an x marked on the road at the spot where he was shot. Having stood on it and looked back at the book depository building, there's no way he made that shot. The fence on the grassy knoll is about 30 feet away on the right. It came from there I reckon.

Military industrial complex and the people that ran it had him taken out cis he was pulling out of Vietnam and they'd lose out on military spending. He gave a speech about the MIC not long before his death. Can't find it online. I'll keep looking.

Author:  EllisEamos [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

the more i think about it, the less i believe in the conspiracy.

Author:  The Rock [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

EllisEamos wrote:
the more i think about it, the less i believe in the conspiracy.

Even if we ignore all the little things that could potentially point to a conspiracy, there's one thing that we can't dispute.

The Zapruder footage shows the last shot which was the fatal head shot, it hits Kennedy and sends him flying backwards. As Kevin Costner says over and over again in JFK, "back and to the left, back and to the left". The force of the shot sending Kennedy backwards means that the fatal head shot had to come from the front. That's obvious just from looking at the video footage.

So, if there was a shot from the front it means that the Warren Commission was lying. By definition alone we have a conspiracy.

I've never read or heard of any solid explanation for why the last shot sent Kennedy's head snapping backwards if it was Oswald doing all the shooting from behind. There's probably explanations for everything when it comes to the assassination, but the head shot seems obvious that there was more than one shooter.

Author:  Rebar [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

dimejinky99 wrote:
There's an x marked on the road at the spot where he was shot. Having stood on it and looked back at the book depository building, there's no way he made that shot.

What makes you say that?

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