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 Post subject: RM Litmus Test Survey
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:44 pm 
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Hi everyone, RM member aprilfifth has dedicated his time to developing a survey on current events and politics over in the News and Debate forum. He is looking for a vast array of respondents (including beyond the regulars of the N&D forum) to complete the survey--hence we are starting this thread to get your attention if you do not regularly visit the N&D forum. It would be highly appreciated if you were able to complete this survey and PM your answers to aprilfifth. Your answers will be kept confidential.

Here is the thread for discussion of the survey:

Behind the spoiler, you will also find the questions that are being asked.

Spoiler: show
For the purposes of breaking down the results a little further, I'd appreciate response to the following.
--Gender? M/F?
--Are you an American or non-American?
--Which singular word best describes your political persuasion? I.E. Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, Socialist, Anarchist, or any other category for that matter.

1. Which of the following best describes the action you will be taking on Election Day when voting for president?
A. I will be voting for a candidate who I support and am excited about.
B. I will be voting for the lesser of two evils, or the candidate who is "least bad."
C. I will be casting a protest vote.
D. I will not be voting.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

2. Which of the following best describes your economic philosophy?
A. Free market, no government intervention
B. A mostly-free market, with limited government intervention
C. The market does not act for the good of all; therefore it must be closely regulated by the government
D. More than merely regulating the economy, it is a government’s job to control the economy, even during peace times.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

3. Which of the following best describes your feelings in regard to the United States “War on Terror”?
A. I fully support it, and the Iraq War is an important part of the larger War on Terror.
B. I support the War on Terror; however I do not believe that Iraq played a real role in promoting terrorism, so I view that war as its own separate entity.
C. I support the War on Terror only so far as to make war against specific terrorist groups that intelligence believes may have the capability to strike the Western world.
D. I do not support the War on Terror because it puts us in a state of perpetual war, further tying our industry and economy to the war machine.
E. I do not support the War on Terror because I consider myself a pacifist/conscientious objector.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

4. Which of the following best describes your feelings on gay civil rights?
A. I am in favor of the status quo.
B. Gay couples should be allowed to enter into legal civil unions, but it should not be called “marriage.”
C. Gay persons and couples should enjoy all of the rights of heterosexual persons, including the right to wed, to adopt children, etc.
D. Gay civil rights is an issue for individual states to decide their own course.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

5. Which of the following best describes your opinion regarding the legality of drugs?
A. Drugs should be legalized. They are a victimless “crime”.
B. Some drugs that are non-addictive such as marijuana should be legalized, whereas “hard” drugs should remain illegal.
C. Drugs should remain illegal; however the penalty for minor possession should be reduced to a fine, or some other minimal consequence.
D. Drugs should remain illegal, and I support further resources being used to fight the War on Drugs.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

6. Which of the following best describes your opinion of abortion?
A. I am 100% pro-choice.
B. I am 100% pro-life.
C. I am pro-life; however, I believe that there are exceptions, such as rape, incest, and the health of the mother, in which abortions should be permitted.
D. I believe abortion should remain legal; however, this is largely because of what I believe would occur if it were criminalized.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

7. Which of the following best describes your view of capital punishment?
A. There is nothing wrong with putting a person to death for a major crime (crimes which can result in the death penalty under current state laws) he has been found guilty of.
B. Fundamentally, I don’t object to the death penalty; however, because of a propensity for being given to minorities and poor persons, I believe the system should be reevaluated, but not discarded.
C. I am against capital punishment because it is inhumane.
D. I am against capital punishment because of the flaws within the system, as well as the fact that it costs more money and does not act as a deterrent.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

8. Which of the following best describes your belief in a God or Higher Power?
A. I firmly believe that there is a God or Higher Power who created the universe. (Note: Not necessarily as described in the Bible)
B. I believe that it is highly likely that there is a God or Higher Power; however it is impossible to be certain at this current time.
C. I believe that there is most likely not a God or Higher power, and if there is, it doesn’t currently effect my life one way or the other.
D. I firmly believe that there is no such thing as God or Higher Power, and that science has rationally (or will eventually) explained our existence to my satisfaction.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

9. Which of the following best describes how you feel about the U.S. criminal justice/prison system? (Note: You may select more than one choice.)
A. I am in favor of harsh penalties for persons found guilty of crimes. If prisons are overcrowded, then build more.
B. I believe in tough penalties/sentences; the way to make room in prisons is to release non-violent criminals.
C. The system is broken; the emphasis should be on rehabilitation.
D. We need to focus on how to prevent crime in the first place as opposed to what to do with those who already have broken the law.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

10. Which of the following best describes your opinion of climate change?
A. Climate change is a real problem, largely created by man, and definite action needs to be taken to stem the damage being done.
B. Climate change is a real problem; however the potential risks of continuing on the present course are not so drastic that we need to greatly alter our ways of life.
C. If climate change is occurring it is likely a result of the natural fluctuation of temperature this planet has experienced many times.
D. It can’t be proven that climate change is truly occurring, as the sample size of time is too small from which to draw definitive conclusions.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

11. Which of the following best describes your feelings on universal health care?
A. Health care is a right, no matter the financial situation of a person.
B. There are already effective programs in place which offer health care to persons who are not in a position to afford it for themselves.
C. It is not financially realistic, or responsible, for the government to embark on a policy of universal health care.
D. Health insurance is readily available; if a person needs health care so badly, they should purchase a health insurance plan.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

12. Which of the following best describes your feelings on the proliferation of nuclear weapons?
(Note: If you select “C”, you may also select “A” or “B” if you wish.)
A. No nations that do not already possess a nuclear arsenal should be permitted to pursue one; stopping a nation from developing a nuclear program is a just reason for war.
B. No nations that do not already possess a nuclear arsenal should be permitted to pursue one; economic incentives should be offered as a deterrent, but war should not be risked over the matter.
C. No nations that do not already possess a nuclear arsenal should be permitted to pursue one; additionally, nations already in the nuclear club should embark on a policy of mutually agreed upon non-proliferation, as well as a gradual process of dismantling nuclear weapons.
D. Any nation should be free to pursue a nuclear program; it is their right as a sovereign nation.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

13. Which of the following most closely describes how should the United States, or other nations with a similar situation, should handle its’ large, and ever-growing, debt? (Note: You may select more than one choice if you wish, provided they are not contradictory, of course.)
A. The national debt is not a problem; therefore, it does not need to be addressed.
B. The U.S. needs to drastically cut Federal spending, including on war, military, as well as social spending programs.
C. The U.S. needs to cut spending where possible, raise taxes, and sell bonds.
D. The U.S. needs to cut spending and lower taxes, which will stimulate growth by which we can begin to pay down the debt.
E. Let inflation run its’ course, making it easier to pay down the debt.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

14. Which of the following best describes your feelings on immigration into the United States?
A. The current system is fine; it merely needs to be enforced by deporting illegal aliens.
B. There should be a wall built along the Mexican border.
C. The U.S. needs a more lenient immigration policy, which would help to deter persons from entering the country illegally.
D. The U.S. should focus on aiding the countries which people are emigrating from en masse, and this would stem the tide of immigrants flowing across our borders.
E. The status quo is fine.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

15. Which of the following best describes your feelings on the “energy crisis”?
A. Drill, baby, drill.
B. We should drill, but at the same time invest in developing alternatives.
C. We should not drill domestically, but should look for alternative energy sources.
D. There is no energy crisis.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

16. Which of the following best describes your attitude toward gun control? (Note: If you select “C”, you may also select “A” or “D” if you wish.
A. The government has no right to regulate guns or ammunition in any way, no matter how small a measure.
B. The government should outlaw gun ownership by a private citizen.
C. The government should introduce stronger measures that will make purchasing weapons more difficult, in addition to waiting periods and extensive background checks, etc.
D. I have no problem with some regulation, such as against assault weapons, but by and large, citizens have the right to bear arms.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

17. Which of the following best describes your feelings toward censorship?
A. I am always against censorship, regardless of the case.
B. Hate speech should be curtailed.
C. Governments, either federal or local, have the right to censor that which its citizens may find offensive.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

18. Which of the following best describes how you feel about the use of torture?
A. Torture should never be used, under any case, ever.
B. The use of torture should be limited to a “ticking bomb” scenario in which it is vital to quickly extract information from a person.
C. The United States has not been guilty of torturing prisoners, so this “issue” is one that has been fabricated and promulgated by the media and persons with an agenda.
D. It is acceptable to torture a prisoner whenever there is reasonable doubt that he/she is withholding important information.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

19. Which of the following most closely describes your feelings about the Patriot Act (or similar legislation in another country)?
A. I have no problem with it; if you aren’t guilty of anything, you have nothing to worry about.
B. The Patriot Act is clear violation of the 4th Amendment, which protects citizens against illegal search and seizure.
C. The Patriot Act creates a slippery slope, however in a global war on terror; I am willing to forego some of my rights for the greater good and protection of the nation.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

20. Which of the following best describes your feelings about nationalism?
A. It is healthy for a nation’s citizens to have a nationalistic pride in their country.
B. I see no reason to be proud of where I was born.
C. Nationalism is a very dangerous mob mentality which can lead to a dangerous attitude towards persons who do not share the same spirit.
D. It depends on the instance; it can be healthy, while at other times, it can be dangerous.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

21. Which of the following most closely resembles your feelings on embryonic-stem cell research? (Note: If you choose “B”, you may also select “C” if you wish.)
A. It is unequivocally positive, and needs to be pursued by federal research grants, etc.
B. I do not object to it on a moralistic ground, rather on the basis that it has yet to yield tangible results, therefore it is not worthy of federal funding.
C. If privately funded, I have no objections to continued research.
D. I object to it on a moral ground.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

22. Which of the following most accurately describes your feelings on the United States education system? (Note: You may select more than one choice.)
A. It is strong and not in need of any drastic changes.
B. There should be no public education system; all education should be funded privately.
C. The education system is in desperate need of a major overhaul, with special emphasis given to schools in poorer socioeconomic areas.
D. The way to improve education for minorities and poor students is by vouchers and school choice programs.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

23. Which of the following most closely describes the type of foreign policy you support?
A. Non-interventionist.
B. I support the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive military action.
C. It is the responsibility of the West to help democracy to flourish, so I support military action and aid being given to any nation which is attempting to be democratic.
D. While not being non-interventionist, I believe the U.S. should be exceedingly careful, exhausting all other options, before engaging in military action against another nation; it should be a last resort only.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

24. Which of the following best describes your feelings on Affirmative Action?
A. It was important when introduced; however, it has run its course and is no longer necessary.
B. It is a program of institutionalized racism and should never have been passed at any level of government.
C. It was, and continues to be, and important program to help minorities with jobs and schooling.
D. “Fairness” has no place in government policy. AA is an attempt to legislate fairness, which can never succeed, and in reality should never have been attempted.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?

25. Which of the following most closely resembles your feelings on the issue of animal rights and eating meat?
A. This is of no concern to me. I eat meat, and that isn’t going to change.
B. I am a vegetarian, or vegan, because of the treatment of animals in slaughterhouses, etc.
C. I eat meat, but I learn about where that meat comes from before buying it, and therefore purchase meat only from places that do not have deplorable living conditions for the animals before they are killed.
On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel about this issue?


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