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 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:15 pm 
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durdencommatyler wrote:
I'm a big fan of every invention post I've read.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:58 pm 
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I'm probably get dinged for a repost, but whatever ...

"Though some may think there should be a separation between art/music and politics, it should be reinforced that art can be a form of nonviolent protest." - e.v.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:31 pm 
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Those look like the same clips they show in the House of Pain video

Paul McCartney told me to never drop names.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:45 pm 
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CrowdSurge and Ten Club will conduct further investigation into this matter.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:41 pm 
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seriously...someone explain to me why obama is viewed as the anti christ by non supporters? - 62strat

Anti-christ? Who is saying this? He's pretty awful, but not the anti-Christ.

I would start off with 1st Ammendment violations. I wouldn't be too shocked if the Fairness Doctrine was re-instituted as it has a base of support in the far left of the Democratic Party. What will happen to dissent when people criticize Obama? Will they be utterly destroyed by the media like Joe the Plumber was? Will media outlets who are critical of the presidency be given equal access? There are numerous disturbing trends that came out of Obama's campaign.

2nd Ammendment rights could be under attack, although it would take the untimely passing of a conservative judge for any substantive movement to take place here. The one thing that could come down the pipeline is extremely prohibitive tax increases on firearms and ammunition so that people cannot afford guns or ammunition.

I am afraid of knee jerk reactions (Patriot Act esque) that may come out of the Obama administration in regards to domestic policy. Remember, our nut job vice-president elect did say that we'll soon be facing a crisis and that Obama's gonna do something that nobody is gonna like. Extension of Patriot Act Powers?

How about net-neutrality?

What about taxation? I'd be willing to bet $100 to any forum member that Obama will either not fulfill his social spending promises, or will jack-up taxes higher than previously advertised.

There's a number of reasons to be fearful of Obama.

amount of socialist ideas have actually helped our country in the past (new deal anyone?). - JuncoPartner

Where's Kthodos on this one? He must be asleep at the wheel our in a state of depression. Did you know that the UCLA released a study right after the election which states that FDR's policies actually extended the Great Depression by seven years?

so, will the president-elect obama haters support him no matter what, like they said we all needed to support president bush the same way? - c_b

It will depend on his actions. If we lose a judge and a movement to ban guns begins from the ground up, then no I won't. If the Fairness Doctrine is introduced, then no I won't. If he jacks up taxes and our economy sinks of continues to languish, then no I won't. And I don't think most other people will either.

But I will not wish anything bad upon his presidency. Hopefully the economy will get out of this malaise regardless of his policies. Hopefully global security will continue to grow. Hopefully there will be solutions to the crisis in Darfur. I hope that there is a solution to the problems facing Israel, and that people in North Korea and Myanmar can finally have some semblence of social justice. I hope that Afghanistan and Iraq can continue to march towards peace and prosperty, and that these conflicts can be concluded.

I'm not like liberals or liberal politicians who will go out of their way to purposefully attempt to sabatoge and undermine the current sitting president for personal gain...

Oh, speaking of which. Do you remember those days when Obama was calling for an immediate withdrawal? And when he was busy scripting legislation to have all combat brigades out of Iraq by March of 2006? Talk about politics of hope. I guess that's one mess he couldn't get himself out of.

But seriously, I wish for the best, but I don't think it's going to happen.

Congratulations to this country that we've asked stupid to step aside. - Kevman

You live in Buffalo. Take a look around. You're surrounded by "stupid." Who'd Erie County vote for by an enormous margin? :haha:

how likely is it that we have to deal with a serious assassination attempt? - WintersLove

Extremely likely...

I think that presidential security is so good these days that it would have to be some kind of inside job to even get close to him. - PD

No way. There's gonna be some ex-military nut job that knows how to fire a sniper rifle that will be able to get close enough to him. I don't think it's possible to get away with it, but I wouldn't be shocked if shots were fired at him in the first year.

The people who were convinced he won't be able to magically fix all of our problems need to realize: McCain wouldn't be able to either. Bush has us so boinked up the cornhole that, as I said, a new foundation is realistically all we'll really be able to get. - RedLedVEdder

This isn't what people on the board believed... But that's okay. I'm poised for four years of retractions, denials, and excuses. I think you're the first.

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 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:49 pm 
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For those who've got him on their ignore list, he's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack


 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:52 pm 
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Hinny wrote:
For those who've got him on their ignore list, he's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

And even more irrelevant than ever

LittleWing sometime in July 2007 wrote:
Unfortunately, it's so elementary, and the big time investors behind the drive in the stock market aren't so stupid. This isn't the false economy of 2000.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:33 pm 
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B wrote:
I'm probably get dinged for a repost, but whatever ...

That's a great band name.

Unfortunately, at the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Flower Children jerked off and went back to sleep.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:34 am 
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LittleWing wrote:
Did you know that the UCLA released a study right after the election which states that FDR's policies actually extended the Great Depression by seven years?

That study is over four years old, and done by one guy who has written for Reason magazine and another who contributes to Newsbusters. A couple of conservative economists did a study attacking the New Deal! Stop the presses!

The content of the video in this situation is irrelevant to the issue.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:26 pm 
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9 November 2008

Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts working with the transition team.

A team of four dozen advisers, working for months in virtual solitude, set out to identify regulatory and policy changes Obama could implement soon after his inauguration. The team is now consulting with liberal advocacy groups, Capitol Hill staffers and potential agency chiefs to prioritize those they regard as the most onerous or ideologically offensive, said a top transition official who was not permitted to speak on the record about the inner workings of the transition.

In some instances, Obama would be quickly delivering on promises he made during his two-year campaign, while in others he would be embracing Clinton-era policies upended by President Bush during his eight years in office.

“The kind of regulations they are looking at” are those imposed by Bush for “overtly political” reasons, in pursuit of what Democrats say was a partisan Republican agenda, said Dan Mendelson, a former associate administrator for health in the Clinton administration’s Office of Management and Budget. The list of executive orders targeted by Obama’s team could well get longer in the coming days, as Bush’s appointees rush to enact a number of last-minute policies in an effort to extend his legacy.

A spokeswoman said Saturday that no plans for regulatory changes had been finalized. “Before he makes any decisions on potential executive or legislative actions, he will be conferring with congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle, as well as interested groups,” said Obama transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter. “Any decisions would need to be discussed with his Cabinet nominees, none of whom have been selected yet.”

Still, the pre-election transition team, comprising mainly lawyers, has positioned the incoming president to move fast on high-priority items without waiting for Congress.

Obama himself has signaled, for example, that he intends to reverse Bush’s controversial limit on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, a decision that scientists say has restrained research into some of the most promising avenues for defeating a wide array of diseases, such as Parkinson’s.

Bush’s August 2001 decision pleased religious conservatives who have moral objections to the use of cells from days-old human embryos, which are destroyed in the process.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colorado) said that during Obama’s final swing through her state in October, she reminded him that because the restrictions were never included in legislation, Obama “can simply reverse them by executive order.” Obama, she said, “was very receptive to that.” Opponents of the restrictions have already drafted an executive order he could sign.

The new president is also expected to lift a so-called global gag rule barring international family planning groups that receive U.S. aid from counseling women about the availability of abortion, even in countries where the procedure is legal, said Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, he rescinded the Reagan-era regulation, known as the Mexico City policy, but Bush reimposed it.

“We have been communicating with his transition staff” almost daily, said Richards. “We expect to see a real change.”

While Obama said at a news conference last week that his top priority would be to stimulate the economy and create jobs, his advisers say that focus will not delay key shifts in social and regulatory policies, including some - such as the embrace of new environmental safeguards - that Obama has said will have long-term, beneficial impacts on the economy.

The president-elect has said, for example, that he intends to quickly reverse the Bush administration’s decision last December to deny California the authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles. “Effectively tackling global warming demands bold and innovative solutions, and given the failure of this administration to act, California should be allowed to pioneer,” Obama said in January.

California had sought permission from the Enviornmental Protection Agency to require that greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles be cut by 30 percent between 2009 and 2016, effectively mandating that cars achieve a fuel economy standard of at least 36 miles per gallon within eight years. Seventeen other states had promised to adopt California’s rules, representing in total 45 percent of the nation’s automobile market. Environmentalists cheered the California initiative because it would stoke innovation that would potentially benefit the entire country.

“An early move by the Obama administration to sign the California waiver would signal the seriousness of intent to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and build a future for the domestic auto market,” said Kevin Knobloch, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Before the election, Obama told others that he favors declaring that carbon dioxide emissions are endangering human welfare, following an EPA task force recommendation last December that Bush and his aides shunned in order to protect the utility and auto industries.

Robert Sussman, who was the EPA’s deputy administrator during the Clinton administration and is now overseeing EPA transition planning for Obama, wrote a paper last spring strongly recommending such a finding. Others in the campaign have depicted it as an issue on which Obama is keen to show that politics must not interfere with scientific advice.

Some related reforms embraced by Obama’s transition advisers would alter procedures for decision-making on climate issues. A book titled “Change for America,” being published next week by the Center for American Progress, an influential liberal think tank, will recommend, for example, that Obama rapidly create a National Energy Council to coordinate all policymaking related to global climate change.

The center’s influence with Obama is substantial: It was created by former Clinton White House official John D. Podesta, a co-chairman of the transition effort, and much of its staff has been swept into planning for Obama’s first 100 days in office.

The National Energy Council would be a counterpart to the White House National Economic Council that Clinton created in a 1993 executive order.

“It would make sure all the oars are rowing in the right direction” and ensure that climate change policy “gets lots of attention inside the White House,” said Daniel J. Weiss, a former Sierra Club official and senior fellow with the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

The center’s new book will also urge Obama to sign an executive order requiring that greenhouse gas emissions be considered whenever the federal government examines the environmental impact of its actions under the existing National Environmental Policy Act. Several key members of Obama’s transition team have already embraced the idea.

Other early Obama initiatives may address the need for improved food and drug regulation and chart a new course for immigration enforcement, some Obama advisers say. But they add that only a portion of his early efforts will be aimed at undoing Bush initiatives.

Despite enormous pent-up Democratic frustration, Obama and his team realize they must strike a balance between undoing Bush actions and setting their own course, said Winnie Stachelberg, the center’s senior vice president for external affairs.

“It took eight years to get into this mess, and it will take a long time to get out of it,” she said. “The next administration needs to look ahead. This transition team and the incoming administration gets that in a big way.”

Obama reviews Bush orders on stem cells, drilling

WASHINGTON – President-elect Obama's transition chief said Sunday the incoming administration is looking to reverse President Bush's executive orders on stem cell research, oil and gas drilling and other matters.

John Podesta said the president can use such orders to move quickly without waiting for Congress to act, highlighting the extraordinary powers a president can wield beyond signing legislation approved by Congress. Podesta said people should expect Obama to use those powers to reverse many policies of the Bush administration.

"I think across the board, on stem cell research, on a number of areas, you see the Bush administration even today moving aggressively to do things that I think are probably not in the interest of the country," Podesta said in a broadcast interview.

"There's a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action, and I think we'll see the president do that," Podesta said.

President Bush has limited federal spending on stem cell research, a position championed by opponents of abortion rights. Obama has supported the research in an effort to find cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Also, the federal Bureau of Land Management is opening about 360,000 acres of public land in Utah to oil and gas drilling, leading to protests from environmentalists.

"They want to have oil and gas drilling in some of the most sensitive, fragile lands in Utah," Podesta said. "I think that's a mistake."

Podesta also said Obama is working to build a Cabinet that is diverse. That includes reaching out to Republicans and independents — part of the broad coalition that supported Obama during the race against Republican John McCain.

A top House Republican said there is a willingness to try to work with Obama to get things done. But Rep. Eric Cantor also said to expect Republicans to serve as a check against the power held by Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California.

"There is going to be, I think, a willingness to try and get things done," Cantor said. "But at the end of the day I think you will see a Republican Party in Congress serving as a check and a balance against Mr. Obama's power and Speaker Pelosi's power."

Cantor, a Virginia Republican, is running to be the second-ranking Republican in the House — the job of minority whip.

Cantor and Podesta spoke on "Fox News Sunday."

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 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:42 pm 
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I really hope Obama puts Pelosi and Reid in their place very early on and makes it clear that they will not be running his presidency.

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 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:26 pm 
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aprilfifth wrote:
I really hope Obama puts Pelosi and Reid in their place very early on and makes it clear that they will not be running his presidency.

Me too.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:34 pm 
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shinkdew wrote:
aprilfifth wrote:
I really hope Obama puts Pelosi and Reid in their place very early on and makes it clear that they will not be running his presidency.

Me too.

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 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:06 am 
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LittleWing wrote:

amount of socialist ideas have actually helped our country in the past (new deal anyone?). - JuncoPartner

Where's Kthodos on this one? He must be asleep at the wheel our in a state of depression. Did you know that the UCLA released a study right after the election which states that FDR's policies actually extended the Great Depression by seven years?

well if it did? how so?
I think the new deal was certainly not a cut and dry thing, but at the very least it was a nessesarry social catalyst to get people working again and building themselves from the ground up. i think people at the time where loosing all hope and needed programs to help get a start. perhaps the programs should have been more temporary?
and at the very most it may have prevented a total socialist uprising. the way I see it, people actually having some access to the countries wealth that was only in the hands of a very small quarter of the population kept them from throwing over the government. I do think they where that desperate. its a sort of effect the world has seen in russia (where socialism was born out of fuedalism) and france (the mary antionette effect.) so in a way maybe that kept the balance so capitolist democracy could come back later.
just a theory though.

either way isn't the ultimate point to get people motivated to work for the betterment of society? I knew that voting for obama could hurt my chances of a career as an artist (since we basically depend on the wealthy to buy our paintings) but I feel a vote for him could potentially help others. I dont believe a self serving vote is the right decision.

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 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:50 pm 
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shit the aides clearly didn't call each other on tie color today


durdencommatyler wrote:
I'm a big fan of every invention post I've read.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:53 pm 
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Michelle is taller than George.

Unfortunately, at the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Flower Children jerked off and went back to sleep.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 8:55 pm 
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I'm sure this has been posted before here, but I haven't read it yet...

Obama will be inaugurated one day before MLK Jr. Day.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 8:59 pm 
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Green Habit wrote:
I'm sure this has been posted before here, but I haven't read it yet...

Obama will be inaugurated one day before MLK Jr. Day.

MLK would have been 80 years old on January 15, 2009.

And I think MLK day is on the 19th this year, and Obama will be inaugurated on teh 20th.

Unfortunately, at the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Flower Children jerked off and went back to sleep.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:01 pm 
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punkdavid wrote:
Green Habit wrote:
I'm sure this has been posted before here, but I haven't read it yet...

Obama will be inaugurated one day before MLK Jr. Day.

MLK would have been 80 years old on January 15, 2009.

And I think MLK day is on the 19th this year, and Obama will be inaugurated on the 20th.

I thought Inauguration Day is on a Sunday, and MLK of course on a Monday. I think it's the 20th/21st.

 Post subject: Re: 44th President Barack Obama.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:23 pm 
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Green Habit wrote:
punkdavid wrote:
Green Habit wrote:
I'm sure this has been posted before here, but I haven't read it yet...

Obama will be inaugurated one day before MLK Jr. Day.

MLK would have been 80 years old on January 15, 2009.

And I think MLK day is on the 19th this year, and Obama will be inaugurated on the 20th.

I thought Inauguration Day is on a Sunday, and MLK of course on a Monday. I think it's the 20th/21st.

Check your calendar. :wink:

Unfortunately, at the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Flower Children jerked off and went back to sleep.

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