Red Mosquito

jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-
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Author:  VinylGuy [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

the new single from the record is out and it sounds awesome.
i saw them 2 weeks ago, and they play it live and its was soo good...
everything sound great here, from dave guitars, perkins drums....really great song.

Author:  Mojopin [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

yep, psyched! :D

Author:  J's Brain [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

I don't know... Strays was kind of blah and they only put out an album like every 10 years now! I'd be more excited if it was 1994.

Who am I kidding? I'll still listen to it but my expectations are low...

Author:  VinylGuy [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

strays has some great songs....they play superhero live here and it sounded awesome.

Author:  Raziel [ Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

Strays was actually my favourite jane's for a number of reasons... I felt like they had changed things up for the better and it was clear how the different experiences each of the members had made had helped them become better musicians... anyway, I'm looking forward to this.

Author:  ScottZeagle [ Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

Video is out...

Author:  VinylGuy [ Sat May 28, 2011 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

Good video ...i really like the song and it was even better live

Author:  ScottZeagle [ Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

Jane's Addiction Q&A's...

by Dave Navarro on Friday, June 10, 2011 at 2:50pm

How confident are you that the album will be finished by September?

Well, we have never really been a a band to rush things along simply to make a due date. I know we CAN be out by then… But I think we’d rather focus on the work at hand than skip what we think are important elements just to have it turned in on “time”. September seems doable for sure, but I personally ignore that kind of marketing statement. Many times we will hear that a record got “pushed back” but normally what that means is that an album isn’t isn’t finished yet. We will mix something and live with it for a few days and then realize we want to add a part or a dynamic, which means recalling the entire mix. Then once in a while a mix will turn out so much better on another track that we feel that previous mixes aren’t up to par with it… So, we remix that song too. A million reasons for release dates to get changed, sometimes simple easy ones and other times slightly more complex. As of right now September is looking good!

Has there been any direction taken or choices made as far as album art goes? I have always felt let down with the straight-forwardness of the Strays cover. I'm hoping for something a little more dirty, sexy and nuanced. I have a feeling you guys are headed in that direction.

I really do not wish to give anything away directly, but I’ll simply state that the Strays cover was a one time deal… For SURE!!

Hi Dave. I noticed that the version of End To the Lies in the music video is different from the version that was released as a free single (more ethereal, longer intro, more backing vocals at the end...). I like both, but I really want to buy the video version. Is one the single version and the other the album version? Or is it still a work in progress? Thanks! Looking forward to the album...

The video version is the album version. You may have to wait to get that version until the album comes out, OR you can simply RIP it off the video ;)

Hey Dave, plan on releasing any other tracks off the album any time soon? What was the tune that was playing through the last "in studio video". Thanks!

Irresistible Force…

No Eric Avery: No Jane's Addiction.

Listen, I have heard this many times from many different people. My feelings are this. Had he been fired or asked to leave I would agree with you. The truth is he chose to do something else on 2 separate occasions. Even AFTER seeing how much people loved having him back, he opted to pursue his own thing. I respect that decision and wish him the best of luck with it. However, I disagree that we have to stop being a band we have all worked so hard on for many years simply because he has different interests. We have all had many issues with one another and have gone to do different things and broken up and etc... Still, the 3 of us love the band we are in and either come back to it or work out differences as they come. I will give you the point that JA isn't the same band as it was in the 80s and 90s, yet we can't help but change over the years and grow and evolve and become influenced by different things and life experiences. We still had those years, we still made that music and it isn't going anywhere. If you are suggesting we should change the name of something we have put more energy and time into than anything else in our lives because one member decided to leave, then it is clear to me that any answer I give you won't make much sense. I think the statement alone that you made is illogical and minimizes the collective love we have for each other and the work we have done. The good news is that you still have the music that the original four of us recorded and it's pretty easy to not listen to the work we continue to make.

Hey Dave I know you felt embrace the darkness was not suitable for release, but what are your thoughts on I'll protect you and the other bits and pieces you worked on in 09? thanks in advance!

Hmmm, I thought they may have had potential but we really didn’t have much time to flesh them out as a reformed band prior to tracking. The result wasn’t as cohesive as we would have liked. We had just gotten back in the same room after years apart and had to have the songs done in about 10 days. Regardless of timelines, they just didn’t have a unified sound, IMO. Personally I loved moments of each piece, but a great moment doesn’t always make an entire song work.

Hi Dave, who will be credited on Bass for the new record?

There are a few moments on songs that I am playing bass parts, but overall the bass duties are split between Dave Sitek and Chris Chaney, both creative and talented players. Chaney will be touring with us when the tour to support the album begins. He is the only bassist that has recorded a full length album with us and is truly a member of the JA family besides Avery, especially on the road. we are certainly lucky to have him. Sitek is deeply involved in his band TVOTR and has commitments throughout the year. His collaborative effort on this album has been both inspiring and unusual. It’s strange to write with a guy who by all accounts is a member of the team, yet has very little investment in the project following the release. He worries ONLY about what we are making. He doesn’t have to tour, answer questions in the press and make this his life for a while. That kind of perspective is both unique, invaluable and hard to come by. He only cares about the music and nothing more, he goes back to TVOTR when he finishes working with us.

Has the process of recording a new Jane's album made you want to record another solo outting, or have you poured so much into this that you're going to be a bit burned studio-wise?

I love doing solo stuff and certainly look forward to doing another record. Right now we so deeply immersed in the Jane's process that I honestly can’t see myself starting another solo effort until the tour for this Jane’s album starts winding down.

Hey Dave. What does it feel like to wake up and realise that you have helped contribute to some of the most beautiful soundscapes ever crafted on this planet?
Much love and well wishes for the rest of time
Richard Brown x

Thank you, I never consider that specific thought but I do wake up and bask in some pretty deep gratitude that I have been given the opportunity to work with some of the musicians I have worked with and equal levels of gratitude for having the band members I have been working with for so many years…

I know this isn't Jane's Addiction-related but, as an ex-Pepper, are you excited about the release of their new album this year? What would you say your favourite Red Hot Chili Peppers songs of all time are?

Don’t have an opinion either way as I am not as familiar with Josh Klinghoffer’s playing as i ought to be. As for fav songs, anything on BSSM and UPLIFT…

Hey Dave, quick question...20-odd years ago a load of friends and I went to the Reading Festival, here in the UK, for one reason and one reason only - to see you guys for the first time. Woke up to the news on the Friday that you'd cancelled due to illness in the band - basically a bad start to what turned out to be a BAD weekend. We've always speculated on exactly what happened - any chance you could elaborate?

Perry simply lost his voice that day. Sorry, no decadent rock folklore to this question my friend.

Will there be any Jane's Addiction sideshows when you're in Australia for the Splendour In The Grass Festival?

I am sorry to say that at the moment it looks unlikely. We have a lot to do in the states so we will have to head back immediately. I can say for sure that when we are back down that way, we will be on our own doing just Jane’s shows. I look forward to that…I love our shows in the smaller places. Festivals are a lot of fun, but nothing beats playing to our own audience!

(Have more Jane's Addiction related questions? Ask me here:

Author:  VinylGuy [ Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

new song!


Author:  mick7184 [ Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

My buddy saw them last week at The Vibes and said they sounded great.

Author:  brainofpea [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

I'll listen to it....just because.

Author:  VinylGuy [ Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

janes played in jimmy kimmel...they did irresistible force from the new record ( out in 10 days) and stop....
im exited about this one, my guess is that is going to be really good. ... e-night-tv

Author:  ScottZeagle [ Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

This is streaming for free on iTunes now.

I like it, but I will admit that I like almost everything they have put out.

Author:  PHATJ [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

I am listening to the new album on a free iTunes stream right now! Here are my thought on first listen:

1. "Underground"
The album opens with Perry's voice and the roar of guitar and amazing rhythms. Bass and Drums drive the song. Love the effects/layers on the voice. Squealing guitar solo from Dave. Singable chorus. Fantastic opener. Love the start to the record.

2. "End to the Lies"
Like the first track, bass and drums stand out as the driving force of the song. Perry's voice is strong and carries a striking beauty and darkness at the same time. Dave's guitar heavy and interesting. I love track two.

3. "Curiosity Kills"
Again, the bass and drums are on fire. Classic Jane's sound. Sing a long chorus. This track will be a live hit. Cool bridge section that leads into a really nice guitar solo from Dave Navarro. The album is very strong to this point.

4. "Irresistible Force (Met The Immovable Object)"
This song makes sense as the first single. Spacy and airy sounds. Perry's voice sounds great. I am kind of torn on this song. I really like it at this point but I am worried that it may be a song that quickly loses its luster. From the guitar solo though the end of the song is A plus.

5. "I'll Hit You Back"
Rhythm guitar lead from start to finish. I listened to the whole song waiting for the "interesting part" to come. It really didn't ever come. I like the guitars and the simplicity of the song just fine... there's just no surprises. Straight forward in every way. Not throw away at all, just not stand out.

6. "Twisted Tales"
Again the rhythm jumps right to the forefront. Dave's guitar is reminiscent of a western movie. I am really high on the verses. The vocal effects are a good touch. This song has me grooving a lot. Another strong track.

7. "Ultimate Reason"
The song opens with a muted guitar and heavily effected vocals. It then bursts into an energetic and psychedelic trance of instruments and vocals blended like they have been in a wind storm together. This is repeated for the second verse and chorus. I am again torn on this track. I can hear all of its great musical qualities, but it doesn't really "speak" to me.

8. "Splash A Little Water On It"
I like the song from the start. Basically it is a Jane's Addiction version of a ballad laced with psychedelics. Perry's vocals and lyrics take the main stage here and he doesn't disappoint. Dave's guitar solo is reminiscent of '70s acid rock. Different from any track to this point, and a strong addition to the album.

9. "Broken People"
Far from a typical Jane's Addiction song. Slow tempo at the start into a mid tempo but sorrowful sounding jam. Vocally (and even a bit musically) it reminds me a bit of the Wayne Coyne and the Flaming Lips circa 1999. This is a decent song but one of the weaker tracks on the record.

10. "Words Right Out of My Mouth"
Funky and reminiscent of early Jane's Addiction mashed together with early Red Hot Chili Peppers. This isn't my favorite musical version of this band, but it is the only song that sounds like this on the album (that is probably why I like this album so much). Along with "Broken People", probably the only songs I wouldn't have put on the record. That doesn't mean they don't belong or have a place in Jane's Addiction, but this could have been a great 9 song album, or an ever near perfect 8 song album with "Splash" as the closer.

Overall, this album is a huge triumph. Jane's is back in a real way with great songs and seemingly a new energy. I am very impressed with "The Great Escape Artist". Pick it up on Tuesday!

Author:  VinylGuy [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

i listened , still i have to sit down and LISTEN to it because i was at work but first impresion was that this one is a masterpiece.

Author:  Gods' Die [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

VinylGuy wrote:
i listened , still i have to sit down and LISTEN to it because i was at work but first impresion was that this one is a masterpiece.

Good...I love JA. Strays was even pretty decent I thought. I was easily able to unattach it to their work in the late 80s and enjoy it for what it was. Imagine I'll be enjoying this one on the slopes this winter.

Author:  Mojopin [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

Still digesting this...

I love PHATJ's interpretation. I think you are pretty damned spot on! My initial reaction of this so far (two listenings) is that this is probably their most straight-forward album. That is what is sticking in my craw so far. I will say, I did not hear any particular weaknesses, anywhere. This is JANES we are talking about however...

More to come...

Author:  whygodeep [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

After one listen, I have to agree with everyone here in saying that this is definitely an awesome flat-out rock's a more-straightforward record like the (imo) underrated "Strays," yet it adds more of the layers and atmospherics of classic Jane's. Ironically, though, unlike PHATJ I find the last two tracks to be highlights, as well as "Underground," "I'll Hit You Back," and "Twisted Tales."

Author:  HardTI [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

Headphone album! Rich Costey kicked this albums ass. Phenominal producing. Did he mix this as well?

Author:  VinylGuy [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jane´s addiction The Great Escape Artist -August-

anyone saw the art work for this?

im diggin the cover...its a hint to their previous work, and its so much better than that horrible cover of strays.

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