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 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:33 am 
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edzeppe wrote:
i really like the concept of this thread

I remember thinking, "that's really gay". -- Cameronia

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:16 pm 
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Self Polluted wrote:
Hi, Lenny. Remember the time your ass smelled like fish?

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:26 pm 
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Doug RR wrote:
I didnt know she was a she

I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
Malice, wtf are you doing?

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:36 pm 
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J38ryan wrote:

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:43 pm 
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psychobain wrote:
the nazis are really smart

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:55 pm 
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whygodeep wrote:
OK, here it is, straight from my LJ:

OK, so basically there's this girl I've known for two years who I've always liked, but she's always been dating somebody, I could never do anything. But this semester she became single for the first time I've known her, but said that with her hectic schedule of work, school, and internships, she said that she wasn't looking for a relationship until the summer, when she has more free time. But me and my friends agree that, during the past couple months, she's been dropping hints at me, and so I planned on asking her out or making some kind of move once school was over so that a guy can't beat me to her.

Here's an example of something that happened last week. Me, Bonnie (that's her name) and another friend of hers were going to go to lunch. Apparently when I was at work, my sister was on my AOL SN and she sent an IM thinking it was me so we could confirm our plans. Apparently they got to talking, and my sister asked if we were dating, and she said "no"...but when she said "that's cool...that really sucks though, but it's cool," and she said "ya." Not "it's ok, we're only friends," or anything of that sort, but "ya." Now I'm thinking this could be the biggest sign that she likes me yet. So I go into our lunch date with great optimism, and she doesn't dissapoint. It was me, her and a guy who was in her Creative Writing class last semester. Anyway, she moved her purse and let me sit next to her instead of the other guy she invited, when I joked that I "felt like I was in exile" when i was briefly left out of a conversation, she said "oh jason" and tapped my shoulder (physical contact is always good), nd when her friend noticed she had new nail polish on, she turned to me and said "see...notice the small details". And whereas the first time my sister and her talked she told me everything they talked about, on the way to our cars she said nothing about it (and she still hasn't told me a thing about i'm thinking things are going perfect.

So I decide to make my move send her a love letter I wrote her telling her how i felt, why it took me so long (the whole friendship thing), and telling her i'd like to do things with her and be there for here. I figured that it would be the best way to tell her i like her because she loves those things, plus she seemed hectic with finals, and who knows what i would be interrupting if i called her on her cell, the only # I have, to tell her.

Then the night I sent it, I read this in her LJ. She usually keeps entries private, but this one she made public for some reason:

"So I know I just posted a new entry...but I was thinking...and I was talking to my friend Andrea today at work about guys in general. She told me that a guy (student at the real estate school) asked her out...and she declined saying she had a boyfriend. She was flattered...but she said she doesn't like dating random people...she has to be in her click and know the guy that she might later be dating...Me on the other hand totally disagreed. I prefer to date guys I don't know at all, (whether its in school, work, the internship..or just a group of my guy friends,) I like the excitment of the unknown and getting to know you stage. I mean don't get me wrong..I like my guy friends...but they are all just my friends and I know I could never get romantically involved with them. It woud be just too weird and I value the friendship and wouldn't want to risk it. So I'm glad I talked to andrea about this..because I think me telling her and hearing it come out of my own mouth made me realize I enjoy meeting brand new people...and who knows where that can lead us?"

She then goes on to talk about the dates she had with guys from, that wonderful site.

So now I don't know WTF to do. I mean the letter went out Sat. morning, so I don't think this is a response to that (unless they deliver mail at lightspeed now lol). I mean almost all my friends agree she's dropping hints and flirting with me and seems to like me, but now she says she'd rather not date friends in this entry.

So for all who are interested or want to help me sift through her noggin lol, let's review all the hints that I think she's given over the past couple of months. Otherwise, you can skip over this part:

-The conversation my sister had with her the day before our lunch date that I just talked about. On top of that, she hasn't told me anything about this convo, whereas she told me every little thing about the last one since it was just about the U2 concert and not about dating.
-The touching and the other things that happened during lunch.
-She always wants me to help her with her homework and studying in between classes, even calling me on my cell in the morning to ask. She's even invited me to her house spur of the moment to help her with assignments (which my sister thought was a big sign). She even made a big deal about how her cat liked me.
-Hasn't told me anything about her re-joining or dating guys on this semester, whereas last fall she told me about every date she had thanks to when i didn't seem as interested in her. She also told me and showed me pictures of dates she had with the bf she started dating during the fall semester thanks to But ever since her her bf broke up during winter break, she hasn't even talked to me about guys she likes or any guy problems this semester, either, let alone mention anything about match.
-After our last Geology lab, she spontanieously asked if I wanted to go to IHOP with her for breakfast, just us (since we did that last year with a whole group of friends and talked at the beginning of the semester about doing this again, but with a group of friends from our science class). But I had no money on me, so we re-planned it as our lunch date.
-Speaking of our Geology lab, whenever we had to work in groups of four with these two other girls from Central America, she would pay extra special attention to me, laughing and teasing me in front of them, even more so when i was the one who had to present in front of the class. And overall she's been laughing at my jokes more than usual, or at least that's how it seems to me.
-Whenever I teased her, she would flash this cute "i can't believe you just said that" look, which it didn't seem to me like she gave to any of her other friends.
-One time I made a comment on one of her myspace pictures, which I later found out through LJ that were meant to be pics for her profile (another detail she has yet to tell me). I basically agreed with her friend Danny's comment(who I knew was gay because I read his his pic gave it away) that her dress was pretty. Later in Journalism class, she asked me "you know that comment you posted where you agreed with Danny?" I said "ya." Then she said "you know he's gay, right?", to which I said "ya i did" (I mean it's kinda obvious). Then she asks "so you know I have no physical attraction to him whatsoever, right," and I said "ya, I figured" (I mean come on, I'm not that dumb lol :-P)
-Here's a comparison: a year ago at my birthday party when she was dating her long-time bf, she gave me a snickers bar and some pens as presents because she said i kept losing pens and she saw me eat snickers frequently (and her bf was with her, too). this year, with her hectic schedule she mentioned in her lj entry of getting up at 2:30 and going to bed at 7:30, she finds time to bake me an entire loaf of banana bread, pre-cut and everything. I mean "friends" don't exactly do that, right? And one girl I talked to says baking for a guy is a big deal.
-The day after I sent her flowers for her birthday (one of my hints to her), the first thing she did when she saw me was to thank me for them, and said that she liked them a lot in front of one of her guy friends (who she's known throughout middle/high school) before our geology class. And when I told her that i had a surprise for her on her b-day, she said "oh jason, you don't have to do anything for me."
-I gave her a CD of all the songs I've recorded because she really wanted to hear them, and she said she couldn't believe it was me singing and that I should try out for American Idol...even though many others have said I need vocal training ASAP (though 1 other girl friend of mine said she liked them, too).
-When i got my internship for abc-15 sports for the fall, she was the first to congratulate me, posting something on my wall in my profile on thefacebook and sending me an IM later that afternoon.
-Despite her telling me she'd add me as a friend on her livejournal so that i could read her entries, she hasn't done that yet. The first time i asked her, she said she thought if i only added her as a friend, i could read her stuff...but i could tell she knew how to add friends because she has "mutual friends," which means she had to add them as friends, too, in order to read her entries. W.hich leads me to believe something is up there.
-During one Geology lab, I noticed that she was extremely tired, and when I commented on it, she told me that her schedule was just burning her out. I told her that, once school's over, she should take a couple of days to catch up on her sleep and hibernate and not get out of bed. Then she said "but I won't even be able to talk to you" (or something close to it...I was so surprised by that comment that it didn't really sink in).
-While we were waiting for a group of kids to finish climbing up a wash so we could continue on our hike, she said “so, are you taking your mom to the concert?” Now who in God’s name would want to take their mom to a concert with them, and to U2 at that? But I just said “no, I found another friend to go with me.” And she just said “oh,” as if she was a little surprised I found someone else to go with.
-She also noticed that I wasn't wearing my glasses that day and that I didn't wear them at her b-day party, and when she said she was going to get a State Press for her to read, she got one for me, too.
-But afterwards, she suggested that maybe we could go to the Noble Library and work on the science paper we have to write (based on what we found during our hike) and study some Spanish. During a brief pause in our studying, she asks me out of nowhere “have you seen Garden State,” and I said no. Then she asks me “well have you seen Sin City yet,” to which I again said “no, but it does look like a cool film.” And then we continued studying, but I found that to be pretty odd. Then she says she’s gonna get a State Press (the school paper) for herself, and she comes back a little later with one for me to read, too. So then we’re reading the paper, and of course there are plenty of ads for different things in the paper, but she points to one and says “oh the Phantom of the Opera’s coming! I really want to see that.” I told her that that would be really cool, and I told her about when I saw Mama Mia! At Gammage and how it was a really cool experience. Then during another pause after I said that, she again says “ya, I would really like to see that,” almost as if she’s re-emphasizing it to me. Then after that we basically talked about a bunch of things for another half an hour, ranging from music to family to my adoption (I forgot how that came up, lol), and then she had to go.
-Once we were talking before Geology class about how we were both glad that school’s almost over and how we can’t wait until summer comes. During this conversation, she said “we’ll definitely hang out over the summer. I know last year we said that and we didn’t do anything, but this time we’ll definitely hang out."
-Before our Journalism class, We were talking as we were waiting for the prior class to get out, when she asks me “so, who is friend that you’re taking with to the concert?” And I told her that it was Jenna, a girl who is a senior at Notre Dame Prep and who I use to work with at the smoothie shop, and she just said “oh,” but not like she was happy for me or anything. It sounded like she was a little jealous.
-Then we both had internship interviews the next morning, and I was talking to her before I left, since she had 3 more interviews after I was done. But before I left, she told me “by the way, I probably won’t be going to Geology class today because I’m going to Country Thunder…but I don’t know why.” I told her it wouldn’t be a problem, and that I’d call her if there were any assignments handed out during class.
-Some hints, now that I think about it, COULD HAVE happened in the fall between boyfriends (or at least I think it was in between bfs,anyway). She wanted me to help her with some homework we had, so I went to her house and helped her out. And since we finished it a lot faster than sher said she thought we would, she asked if I wanted to see a movie with her to kill time. So we went to Fashion Square, ate Panda Express and watched Shark Tales together, and we talked before the show and she commented how this was the first movie she has seen since breaking up with her old bf of three years. This was probably an innocent fun thing, so I'm not setting this in stone at all, but alas nothing came out of it.

Now I could be overreacting to some of these, but when you add all of these up, it seems like she really does like me and is dropping hints. But her theory kind of's like if she's dating during a "get to know you" phase, then u have no chance later on if they break up...but when that phase happens when she's single, then u definitely have a chance; it's pretty much "all systems go" in terms of dating potential. And the thing is, for me, I need to know a girl and get to know her personaltiy before I can really know if I want to date her or not. I can't go on one or two date and decide if I like her and want to have a serious relationship with her. For me, if I really want a relationship to work or not, I need to know her traits and if we're compatible. So I think it's better to take the time (and it doesn't have to be weeks or months...i think a couple in-depth convos before dates would be good) to know the person and understand the person before commiting to them. But if most girls think like her, then I'm screwed.

Or maybe she doesn't see me as a total "friend" in the sense of the word, or I could be an exception to the rule. Besides classes, we don't talk much outside of school...i don't think i've talken to her on the phone ever, we've chatted on AIM a couple of times (maybe 10 at most), and hanging out outside of class doesn't happen much at all. So she only knows me through classes. So i mean it's not like her other guy friends I know where they're talking all the time and they're hanging out during the weekends. But then again I'm probably just making up excuses to hide the truth, lol.

But now that that's all out of my system, I'm just gonna wait until she responds to my letter before I worry about anything. But for all who managed to read all of this (and you deserve an award if u did, lol), do you think I'm overreacting with the hints she's been dropping me? Or do you think that they're justafiable and that she could still like me and be dropping hints even with that last LJ entry? I know I'm probably worrying over nothing, but being the typical Pisces, I have an imagination that runs wild, and so I can worry about and overblow the simplest, stupidest things, ESPECIALLY with relationships. Plus when I like a girl, I really get into her, so when I think something bad happens that could ruin a relationship, my mind hits the panic button.

Thanks for all your guys help, and if ya read all of this, you deserve an award. :D


BTW, she has agreed to go to a ballgame with me, since she likes baseball, but we haven't agreed to a day yet. I've e-mailed her a couple times about when she'd like to go (yesterday, in fact, too), but she hasn't answered them yet.

I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
Malice, wtf are you doing?

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:57 pm 
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Way to ruin that nazi quote, jerk.

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:00 pm 
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thodoks wrote:
Way to ruin that nazi quote, jerk.

shut should really read that thread my quote is from, if you have a few hours to kill

I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
Malice, wtf are you doing?

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:01 pm 
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lennytheweedwhacker wrote:
thodoks wrote:
Way to ruin that nazi quote, jerk.

shut should really read that thread my quote is from, if you have a few hours to kill

How 'bout a link, fuckstick?

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:02 pm 
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There is no way that girl liked him. How did it turn out?

CrowdSurge and Ten Club will conduct further investigation into this matter.

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:04 pm 
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thodoks wrote:
lennytheweedwhacker wrote:
thodoks wrote:
Way to ruin that nazi quote, jerk.

shut should really read that thread my quote is from, if you have a few hours to kill

How 'bout a link, fuckstick?

:shake: i'm not your fuckin* nanny


I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
Malice, wtf are you doing?

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:04 pm 
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whygodeep wrote:
So I decide to make my move send her a love letter I wrote her telling her how i felt

In the history of everything ever, has anything like this ever worked out?

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:07 pm 
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thodoks wrote:
whygodeep wrote:
So I decide to make my move send her a love letter I wrote her telling her how i felt

In the history of everything ever, has anything like this ever worked out?

Worked for me! My best friend from high school. I snatched her away from her then-boyfriend via means of a love letter. It was my first and last ever love letter. Then the bitch fucked someone else.

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 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:08 pm 
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theplatypus wrote:
Then the bitch fucked someone else.


Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:10 pm 
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thodoks wrote:
theplatypus wrote:
Then the bitch fucked someone else.


it was mickey rip :peace:

I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
Malice, wtf are you doing?

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:10 pm 
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Hey Plat, out of curiosity. The guy she fuck*d, did he write her a love letter?

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:13 pm 
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trying to make a career out of postwhoring

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you guys should really read that whygodeep thread...i just skimmed over it and it's a top ten for sure

I Hail Randy Moss wrote:
Malice, wtf are you doing?

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:17 pm 
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thodoks wrote:
Hey Plat, out of curiosity. The guy she fuck*d, did he write her a love letter?


With his DICK

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 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:24 pm 
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The conclusion of the whygo thread:

Spoiler: show
He didn't get the girl. SHOCKER

CrowdSurge and Ten Club will conduct further investigation into this matter.

 Post subject: Re: The "Let's Take Quotes Out of Context" Thread
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:42 pm 
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1/2faithfull wrote:
have you thought about cutting her up?

Fortuna69 wrote:
I will continue to not understand

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